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Thread: Selling online

  1. #17
    Pillar of the Community margaret's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by rebbonk View Post
    We all need a hobby, Margaret. Currently, mine seems to be doing various courses on the internet. Each one adds just that little bit to my knowledge.
    Quite right Rebbonk, got to have goals , got to keep the brain cells crunchy and sparky. Says me who lapses into procrastination at times. But on the whole, it is a great feeling when your brain is engaged in something, and you feel it has been working and exercised. If you know what I mean.

    Which courses are you following , Rebbonk?
    “I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”

    - Lord Byron.

  2. #18
    Super Moderator rebbonk's Avatar
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    Oct 2017


    I've been doing psychology courses recently. I originally studied it in the late 70s, early 80s. Thoughts have changed a little.

    I've done forensics, history of the RAF, shipwreck archaeology, antiques trafficking and a whole host of other things in the past. Basically, whatever interests me as I look through the catalogues. All in all, the quality of the courses has been very high.
    Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.


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