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Thread: message for rebbonk et al

  1. #1

    Default message for rebbonk et al

    Hallo there rebbonk
    iT APPEARS THAT IT'S JUST YOU AND ME now mate, for a while . Are you willing to carry on?
    I'm easy about it , and live in hope that somewhere out there in the ethearal wilderness( if there is such a thing ), someone will notice us and join in.
    I haven't run out of words yet !

  2. #2


    I'm game

    I'll chat about almost anything when I get going

  3. #3


    That's ok then

  4. #4


    What do you reckon, a current affairs type of discussion to get things going? Perhaps you and I ought to discuss things more local to us? How about views on Mutton's patio?

  5. #5


    Not heard of it.
    tell me.I've stopped buying the Telegraph , what a rag it is now. My sister brings it sometimes
    I went tothe Coventry cathedral 50 years 'DO' last week.
    Afterwards I was looking for a toilet and went into the old Provosts house ,following a crowd , up the steps. As I waited I saw people coming out of a room with platefuls of food. Called my sister who was with me, and was served a buffet meal. Later found out it was for sspecial guests including the Archbishop of Canterbury, and others of that ilk.. Shook hands with him , (why not, he was there) and another, I found later to be the German Ambassador. Worth going . Agood laugh too gatecrashing the food room.
    Seriously it was one of the best of days.
    Last edited by cathidaw; 30-05-2012 at 10:30 PM.

  6. #6


    Muttons patio! The rather uncomplimentary (but quite accurate) nickname for the "square" that Broadgate has become. Mutton is leader of the council, hence is held responsible. Apparently, the rumour that Coventry City Council has shares in a paving company are untrue.

    Toilets in Coventry city centre are a nightmare if you don't know where you're going. The ones in Cathedral Lanes shopping complex have recently closed. The only ones I know of for certain are the Library and the market. I guess there must be facilities at the bus station but other than that.... (I use pub facilities if stuck. )

    Sounds like you had a good time. Like you say, it would be rude not to stop and say thanks.

    Incidentally, I was once told of a couple of professional funeral gate crashers working in Nuneaton. They used to hang around the crem' then tag on to the bigger funerals. Apparently it saved them a fortune on food and drink.

  7. #7


    I know an elderly couple who go to the Salvation Army free dinners every day They have a 4 x 4 and travel around the Coventry and bedwoth area.
    Christmas day.they go to 2 dinners. Until 2 years agoI served dinners at Christmas in Bedworth to the '' down and outs'. I know it's also for the lonely but I ever only met a couple of homeless. They need to advertise more. It is such a good day for them. Allthe food is provided by Tesco and Sainsbury's and it is quite a banquet.
    Although not a member of the S.A.I voluteered to help man a soup van at night in my area but up to now it hasn't come off.
    Last edited by cathidaw; 05-06-2012 at 08:25 PM.

  8. #8


    Just to let folks know, the latest member is spam from India, activitiescommon, with a link to this site,

    IP has been blacklisted. It appears to be infected with a spam sending trojan or proxy.
    Notice the Host IP is the IP address reversed.

    IP address:
    Host name:


    He/She wants to make friends, yeah, right, I wonder why!
    Last edited by Mari; 10-06-2012 at 01:40 PM.

  9. #9


    Anyone seen Lex?

  10. #10


    Exactly what I was wondering !

  11. #11
    Pillar of the Community
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I'm here- just been caught up in very tedious rubbish. What has been happening to WARKSOL? There has to be a reason why people have not been attending as they did. Perhaps its just that life right now is so very full of stress from all angles.

  12. #12


    Is it because I joined and nobody wants to play with a grumpy old git? (Only joking - I hope!) innit!
    Last edited by rebbonk; 11-06-2012 at 05:23 PM. Reason: added innit

  13. #13


    Perhaps they're all a-twitter.
    No rebbonk dont put yourself down.
    You an' me we'll keep the'ome fires goin' 'till they all have time to come back.
    Blame it on the recession. everyone else does.
    Nice to hear you popping up from time to time Gladys and Mari. I know all about 'stuff' getting in the way of life.
    Some nice things do happen.
    A year ago I had a brand new ankle joint-2 bits. No-one-- doctors I mean-- here were interested . don't do ankles they said. I asked to be referred to The Royal orthopaedic in Birmingham. They -my doctors-- didn't exactly laugh know what I mean .Like that ad for insurance and the underdog.
    I had the operation and it was and is perfect
    One day I shall have the other done but it was a long job-- couldn't drive for 6 months.
    But why am I saying this.. the NHS did me proud , and we are so lucky in spite of all the other stuff we keep reading about.
    What we need is a n intelligent Government and we'll be well away.
    Last edited by cathidaw; 12-06-2012 at 01:21 AM.

  14. #14
    Pillar of the Community
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Cathidaw, What is an 'intelligent ' Government? I say that with tongue in cheek because as things stand we have about as much chance of that as pigs flying to the moon. This whole regime is just evil and it looks set to make things worse and worse. As just one example- how does the budget of £2.5 billion become £9 billion with a saving boasted about too for the Olympic debacle. This is what the Olympic speaker said on the BBC Breakfast programme this morning. He was challenged on the 2 different budget figures but managed to slide out sideways as usual.

  15. #15


    Apparently, Cameron has got a 1st class honours degree from Oxford, and he doesn't even have the intelligence of the ordinary man in the street who could most probably do a better job of running the country.
    Last edited by Mari; 13-06-2012 at 10:57 AM.

  16. #16
    Super Moderator Shizara's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    To gain formal qualifications is very commendable, however, the 'qualifications' gained from life itself should become part of the balancing factor when measuring intelligence and making decisions. To be honest, some of the most important lessons that life teaches us have gone whoosh over the heads of many of those that we are supposed to look to for leadership.

    This is a world of smoke, mirrors and not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Frequently we are fed a diet of many words with little truth and fact and often it is served up in a way designed to present what they want to present to us and hide the rest with smoke and mirrors.


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