I sold all of my developing and printing stuff on e.bay last year and with the dosh bought a Canon slr digitalwhich is my pride., altho' I kept my pentax film camera. The first 'real' slr was a Zenit B which I still have "sentimental"-a completely manual heavy Russian job, which still takes good pics. but I have to use a light meter
But last week I bought- for a friend- a Minolta 7000, complete with 2 lenses
flashgun ,bag -the lot for £20.00. Now my friend has changed his mind about it -doesn't want it -so this weekend I hope to try it outwith a slide film.
Idon't believe film cameras will ever die out.The otherweek Iwent to Focus at the N.e. c and was pleasantly surprised to see all of the new papers and films being launched.
My darkroom days are over but not film which can now be sent for development and then printed on the computer.