About a year ago I wrote to the Trade Minister about inflation, supply issues etc.
Fair enough, I got a reply from his deputy.
I'm NOT concerned with whether I personally agree or do not agree with govt. policy. That's irrelevant.
But what I AM concerned about is receiving a simple reply that, at the very least, makes some kind of effort to address the issue. That we do in fact have a policy.
What the guy instead gave me was a (reheated) sermon on events west of the Caucasus. Then he reassured me the government would protect our energy supplies.
It would be laughable if it were not so very sad.
I wrote back and gave a simple, short sketch what a simple reply should look like - state where our energy comes from, the split, in what way that supply is being impeded, if it is, what alternatives can we use etc etc.
We've spent billions on public education. And those at the highest levels of state can barely function cognitively.