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Thread: Waiting like lemons

  1. #1
    Pillar of the Community margaret's Avatar
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    Sep 2018

    Default Waiting like lemons

    So we were waiting at my son's flat for the carpet chap to come and measure up for fitting.
    Might has well wait for a blue moon! He never turned up , not a phone call, not even on his radar, so it seemed!

    So I wrote a nice letter of complaint and told him we would be taking our custom elsewhere.
    Last edited by margaret; 29-11-2018 at 06:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator rebbonk's Avatar
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    I can only think they don't need the trade Margaret. There must be so much carpet buying going on...

    <sarcasm mode off>

    I spent a couple of hours in the local hostelry this afternoon. The landlady was on the phone doing her nut at suppliers that had let her down.

    It seems that businesses simply don't want trade these days. How they make profits is beyond me!

    As the part owner of a small business, I can tell you that whenever we had an enquiry, it was followed up within a couple of hours and if necessary, a site visit would be arranged no later than next day!
    Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.

  3. #3
    Pillar of the Community margaret's Avatar
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    Sep 2018


    There is an article in the Leamington observer calling for people to support local businesses. That is what I always try to do. So there was my cue to give my response about local shopping experience. Plus the Council is proposing to relocate to the town where the large Tesco car park is so that may have to be demolished to make room for the council building. A complete disaster, as there will be nowhere for shoppers to park and keep local trade going! it is all total ass about face planning.

    The reason we were livid that the carpet chap didn't turn up is that we booked him the week before, for him to come and measure, so on the morning of our so called visit 10 O'clock. AM. was his due time. I got on a bus and got off at Greville Road in Warwick, that was the nearest stop, then walked the rest up as far as St. Nicholas Park. then to the flat he was to meet us in . The appointed due time soon lapsed by, no sign on him, we never received a courtesy call from him to say he couldn't make it. So we had to phone him and remind him that we were waiting, he then gave us a lame excuse that his car was off the road. The guy lives walking distance from the flat .
    I won't tell you the details of my response ! Anyhow best to move on now that we have found another chap Locally who can do it. We shall go from there.
    Last edited by margaret; 30-11-2018 at 06:48 AM.


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