This is an idea that's crossed my mind a couple of times recently. As Solihull is a part of the ancient county of Warwickshire, do I add a Solihull forum to WOL?
What do you guys think?
This is an idea that's crossed my mind a couple of times recently. As Solihull is a part of the ancient county of Warwickshire, do I add a Solihull forum to WOL?
What do you guys think?
I don't see why not.
Give it a whirl, see if the forum attracts visitors or gets read. If it doesn't you can always remove or hide it. - I always think, nothing worse than a forum that appears unused.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Why not? It will make it less 'cozy.
I like WOL. hence being part of it since 2006, but it needs a boost for membership...we may even get another woman.
Don't get me wrong, I feel that you gents are my friends.
The new Solihull forum is up; let's see how it goes!
I am now replying to my own posting.
On reflection,If I was looking at our site with a view to being bored--I'd join.
Sounds traitor like but I've been looking back and can't see how anyone would join uus.
We are boring! No real conversation to get teeth into,and having to click on the red to find out what we are talking about I can't be bothered as it's been in the media-we hardly get a comment afterwards anyway.
Over the garden fence was once ok, what we have for dinner is well-goodish-the comments are 'safe' and uncontroversial.
We need a shake up.
Ihave all of WOLin a file tucked away in my computer since 2006, when it was interesting and alive.I couldn't wait to get to my computer then. One by one it fizzled out and now we are fogies who need a boot behind us.I don't like boring.
I won't let the side down but we must do something or it will go under.
Let's hope Solihull will save it.
Last edited by cathidaw; 25-09-2018 at 01:59 PM.
Hello , I have now re-logged in as Margaret, since my other name did not work, though I logged in and was able to get Lex's message, thanks Lex. It seems like I have not made a post since January this year. I proceed to log in again and still could not make a post under fnbyme name. it kept logging out. However, I have succeeded in re-registering, under my old name , Margaret, which I shouldn't have changed in the first place.
Cathidaw, I guess I dropped off because of inactivity and no responses to posts.
I think Lex has tried several ideas to encourage membership, but has not been forthcoming so far, but I do like the idea of Solihull being part of our forum, I'm sure it will generate more interest and a few more posts and members.
Last edited by margaret; 25-09-2018 at 04:19 PM.
Good to see you back Margaret - I was wondering where you've been!
That's a problem I also encounter occasionally. The workaround I use is the little tick box under the boxes you enter your username & password in; it's the 'keep me logged in' option (although I've never been able to find out what happened to the 'keep me logged in' message that used to be next to it).