The whole situation looks a mess:
The whole situation looks a mess:
I can't see the council doing this. - They don't have the money and borrowing isn't a realistic option.
Looks like Speedway isn't going to happen at any time in the near future:
Sadly, another great loss to the area.
Oh-they'll find the money from their secret pot.
Or, if if the pot looks a bit depleted, by cutting another desperately needed service.
Which one will be next I ponder?.
I also wonder where the money is which has been 'saved' by all of the 'cuts' not just by the councils but the government too. The deficit never gets less and the cuts get more prolific.
Last edited by cathidaw; 18-01-2017 at 12:13 AM.
Well, it seems this is the reason speedway was kicked off the site:
The cynic in me says that this was always going to be the case. And if local planning permission is with-held they'll simply apply to central government to over-ride it as 'of course' we need yet more houses.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Yes, they'll get it on way or another.
A Local councillor is hoping to get the stadium reopened:
Still no progress for the site:
No progress, but the site is falling into greater disrepair.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
It is starting to look dilapidated.
Development of the site's been rejected. Will it be used for speedway again, or just left to rot?
I can't see it being used for speedway again, it needs too much money spending to bring it up to standard. My bet is it will be left to decay, possibly with a couple of unexplained fires... Finally, planning permission will be granted because the site is a blight!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.