God help us if he gets elected: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36862733
God help us if he gets elected: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36862733
I'm not exactly impressed by either option for the US. We certainly live in interesting times.
Trump seems the 'bully the world into submission' type; my feeling is that Hilary's the least bad option - at least she seems to realise that there's more to the world than the USA, Mexico and the bit that produces oil.
If he is to get rid of immigrants -what will happen to his wife?
Oh it will only be 'selective' immigrants. - Now, where have we heard that before?
I say again, God help us: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37921086
Ahh, we do live in interesting times!
We certainly do. Anyone know a good cave I can hide in for the next 4 years?
One of the worst things people can do it fly off to opposite political extremes to fight against Trump-type policies: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37952091
How far can the populist idiot Farage lower himself to stay in the limelight: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38064664
Maybe he has a mortgage to pay?
I really don't see where he goes from here. UKIP is falling apart...
Good God, it didn't even take him a week to start alienating himself & the USA:
From The F**t has been saying about trade, it's very unlikely Theresa May will get a favourable trade deal out of him.
People seem to conveniently forget that Trump means, 'illegal' immigrants. And good for him I say.
Farage: Those Decrying The Trump Ban Are Guilty Of "Rank Hypocrisy"
I have a feeling!!! That Trump will chicken out at sometime or other, or in a fit of temper, but not until he has trashed the United States Government and its constitution.
He is certainly heading that way. He took too much on and thinks he can treat it like a business. It takes a lot more than a businessman to run a country- people come into it and moral obligations.
Mind you, our government could do with a bit of business acumen too. Look where we are heading.
By the way--where are we heading?
The politicians are still feathering their nests as people starve, and the NHS is still wasting money on things unimportant forgetting that people matter.
What people in their right minds would make cuts at a hospital when staff levels are low and yet increase admin. levels to look into the problem? There are too many people looking into too many things --and we get nowhere.
I love the pantomime of politics these days. We can't say it is uninteresting.
Last edited by cathidaw; 18-02-2017 at 04:21 PM.