Thank's to Will's huge effort and hours of work, the hacker has been got rid of and everything's back to normal! THANKS WILL!
Thank's to Will's huge effort and hours of work, the hacker has been got rid of and everything's back to normal! THANKS WILL!
Yes well done.
Have things been put into place so that the particular backdoor used is now closed? It's a never ending problem with these people. If the guilty party has ever administered a VB board himself, he'll know plenty of other ways in.
Yes, many thanks Will for your time and patience getting us out of a fix.
I'm no computer geek, but to these websites have upgrades and improvements to help safeguard against mad hackers?
Wayhey! That has to be good news. Grateful thanks to Will and Lex.
Thanks to all.................I thought it was my fault!