It'd be great if our politicians just paid lip service to democracy, like they did in the good old days.
It'd be great if our politicians just paid lip service to democracy, like they did in the good old days.
Well, that's been stitched up nicely:
I think it was always going to be the way. Democracy is alright as long as it doesn't interfere with things!
We are going to really lose out here, but our gutless, short-sighted politicians don't care and are only looking after their own interests.
I, for one, will not forget the betrayal and will remind those responsible at every possible opportunity.
I agree with you Rebbonk. This can't possibly be in the best interests of Coventry & Warwickshire. Any investment, money etc. will just get sucked into Birmingham, and our local representatives will just cream off what's left.
There may be a slight chance that things stall. I read a report the other day from the Lords saying that they weren't happy with they way this has been carried out. In particular they were very critical of the (lack of) consultation and the fact that both Coventry and Birmingham had voted against having a metro Mayor in the recent past.
Maybe we can live in hope?
Cock up or keeping the opposition in the dark? Either way, the Tories on Coventry Council sound a tad desperate:
To be fair Lex, I think that most of Coventry is desperate not to get sucked in to this disgraceful enterprise. Whilst I'm no fan of Blundell (I was at school with him) if he can do anything to stop this shameful charade of democracy going ahead he gets not only my vote, but the vote of many Coventrians
And another one falls:
It really isn't looking good is it?
If only people would look at what happened with Greater Manchester. Manchester is thriving, but often at the expense of other areas such as Bolton and Salford. This will be repeated with Birmingham, and despite assurances to the contrary, the area will be known as Greater Birmingham.
Sadly, I also think this will be the case.
The WMCA is not proving to be popular - nor is it's unofficial name:
Give it a couple of years and Greater Birmingham will be the 'official' name.
Yep, and everyone else will be forgotten about when the money's handed out...
We're getting a regional mayor, whether we like it or not:
Looks that way doesn't it? I voiced my opinions to that consultation (as I bet many others have) but I have no doubt that we'll be ignored.