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Thread: Dennis Enright

  1. #1
    Administrator Lex's Avatar
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    Default Dennis Enright

    Not an author I've ever come across:

  2. #2


    Can't say I've ever heard of him either; or any of his works. - I guess that proves the point the writer is trying to make?

  3. #3
    Administrator Lex's Avatar
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    Jun 2012


    Looks like it! I suppose it's because Shakespeare & George Elliott get all the attention.

  4. #4


    I do recall the name D.J.Enright, and I agree that is is now unjustly forgotten poet and man of letters.
    I seem to recall also that Enright was one of the poets that we had at school who were broadly included under the title; The Poets of the 1930's. These included greats like, Auden, MacNiece and Spender. They were more or less left wing poets and took a stand on the great issue of communism versus fascism in the 1930's. They were on the side of the Left in the Spanish Civil war. I am pretty sure that Enright was one of these poets, and he was clearly gifted enough to be mentioned in the same breath as Auden.
    The point about Larkin is interesting. Larkin was of course a Coventry boy, but he lived in Hull for most of his life where he was a librarian in the university. Since his death, some rather unsavoury details have come to light about Larkin, who by the way is a very good poet. Larkin's father was the Town Clerk for Cov. in the 1930's . He was an out and out fascist and was on writing terms with a number of leading Nazis. Philip the son seems to have carried on the family tradition but in a more secret way. It is interesting now that in the great debate between communism and fascism, you would have to put Larkin on the side of the fascists and including people like Ezra Pound and it shouldn't be forgotten that T.S. Eliot was aslo very Right wing. Enright would be on the opposite side, but all of them were outstanding poets. D. J. Enright deserves to be far more known.


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