A 4.2 million contract's been signed for the work to begin: https://leamingtonobserver.co.uk/new...ation-project/
A 4.2 million contract's been signed for the work to begin: https://leamingtonobserver.co.uk/new...ation-project/
I hope it goes well.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I am pleased to see that the Old United Reform church beautiful building is being restored in some way, but ever time I passed it, I used to think if I won the lottery I would love to purchase for the Loft Theatre which is just round the corner looking onto the river. It would be much bigger venue for the Loft Theatre, and plenty room for a drinks bar or cafe too. But that's my pipe dreams busted!
The Loft Theatre players are very good and professional we have enjoyed a few plays there.
Talking about office space, well the former Marks & Spencers that I loved to visit in the Priors was also earmarked for 'office space' still remains unused!![]()
“I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”
- Lord Byron.
I'm really unsure of what's going to happen to the High Street, in the longer term. Unless rents drop, I think we're going to most be left with subsidised charity shops. It doesn't make sense for most big chains to pay excessive rents when they can get newer and better facilities in retail parks, and also sell over the internet.... the former Marks & Spencers that I loved to visit in the Priors was also earmarked for 'office space' still remains unused!
But with office space, so many businesses have discovered that their employees can work from home, so they simply don't need it.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I see that Sainsbury's is looking at raising cash by selling off properties and leasing them back. In my experience, this type of deal doesn't end well. If I were a shareholder, (I'm not) I'd be looking at timing my exit before the excrement hits the fan.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Liabilities, present or expected, would mean getting rid of the freeholds (I read recently that Gates was downsizing by nearly a third to try to preserve equity when the vaccine claims come in). Sainsbury's are key globalist players (i.e New Labour David Sainsbury, the science-makes-money- because- I-make-the-science-guy).What a family like this could be up to is profoundly unsettling.
“I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”
- Lord Byron.
As you say it could be a warning as to what is to come. The truth about these vaccines is gradually becoming apparent, but the efforts to silence those that know, is still in existence. I'm not sure how much longer this will last, as there has already been at least one out-of-court settlement in the USA.
My daughter has decided that someone is going to pay for her mother's death. Much to my surprise, she's found several UK legal firms interested in taking her case on, based on a no-win-no-fee basis. She's still gathering information and is in no hurry, and up to a point the longer she leaves it the better her chances will be because the pseudo-science used and the lies/misdirections will be coming to light.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
Years ago I used to think Maxwell was this brilliant guy, linguist, soldier, media guy, scientific publisher (Pergamum Press).Then it dawned, imho he was an asset of 6 and running counter intelligence against the Soviets in Eastern Europe. And for this the State gave him vast publishing rights over science publishing. His job was to control the science and access to the science and what gets published and what will not.The Party will now say what is science and what is not science.
The Maxwell women now seem to be carrying on this work. David Sainsbury's line of work also, it appears.
So, vast caution is needed here.
1. Be careful about no win, no fee. The lawyers have no real interest except in gaming it, re-insuring and drawing commission and other perks.
2. Remember you are up against the State that is now controlling what is and is not science. (incidentally, a notable dissenter I came across is Dr Andrew Kaufman, check him out, but he seems interesting).
3. Think about a class or group action where similar people who have been injured join together. Kind of landmark case scenario.
4. Think about doing the work yourself, not via lawyers. And setting up a fighting fund, you'll need one.
5. Vet those coming on board, and be alert for ringers. The case will attract publicity so the State will try to sabotage it.
6. Don't talk to the bought and paid for media. And v. few universities are now free from State control and propaganda.
7. Remember they are gaming the science, to produce money, control, power, domination. Their literature simply cannot be trusted.
8.I suspect they are anticipating vast numbers of vaccine claims. Hence they are already battening down, with Biden saying only a week ago, yes, yes, yes all the Covid stuff is over, of course. They know they went too far.
My condolences once again.
Last edited by Mister H; 22-09-2022 at 10:26 AM.
Sound advice Mr H, and noted. I will pass on your wise words.
Incidentally, point 6 (universities) was one I fell foul of. I was doing a research-based PhD. My research threw up some genuinely awkward points and I was 'leaned on' to 'adjust' the results, which I resisted. My research went against current government thinking, and without warning, I had my funding pulled. I can understand that had I ever published my work it might have ruffled a few feathers, but the university was terrified of losing grants. (I know several others who suffered the same fate, so you are bang on the money!)
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I trust you did get your PhD though despite this.
There was an American writer (Buchanan I vaguely recall) who said wherever you go in public life nowadays you will find rent seekers. That is, people and especially institutions that want money off others (and especially tax payers). The Internet is ablaze with this. But it also very much reflects the worthless tatters of what once was independent academic life (now marxist brainwashing compounds).
And your case shows that its not just 'outcomes' the rent seekers are concerned about, its more especially dissident thinking they zero in on.
Wasn't there some scandal with Univ of East Anglia and the climate rent seekers.
Last edited by Mister H; 22-09-2022 at 02:19 PM.
No, I gave up. I decided that a piece of paper from a corrupt system wasn't worth having. I still continue my own research, but have no interest in getting involved with academia in any way, shape, or form. - And that includes 'learned' journals.
There was! The BBC were on about making a film from the events, but I don't know if they ever did.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Yes, several years ago now. From what I remember, they were caught exagerating data.
Work's complete, and the building's open: https://stratfordobserver.co.uk/news...mington-46701/
I ofter wonder if these are shoved into spaces because onbody knows what else to do with them: https://stratfordobserver.co.uk/news...wn-hall-51371/
There's been a lot of messing around with Leamington over the last few years: https://leamingtonobserver.co.uk/new...ets-an-update/
Merged 3 threads, as they're covering the same general subject...