Another one for Stratford District:
Another one for Stratford District:
Interestingly, I was reading earlier today about how many 'renewables' companies are trying to exit the market. Apparently, wind farms are rather expensive to install and run, whilst solar farms require more maintenance than originally thought and have a shorter life span than expected. - Oh dear, how sad, never mind!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Even more on the way:
It won't make money if the subsidies are removed. People are (at last) waking up to this renewal nonsense. Tidal power is possibly viable, but that requires 'real' investment and not fly-by-nights.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Another one. Kenilworth this time. 40 years is stretching the definition of temoprary somewhat:
Another one is in the pipeliine, north of Coventry:
The idiocy continues. I really despair at this country's low level of basic intelligence and common sense!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.