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Thread: The Barbaric Murder of James Foley by an English Male.

  1. #1
    Pillar of the Community
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default The Barbaric Murder of James Foley by an English Male.

    I am so sad for this man's family but also for us.: That a young English speaking man (with an accent sounding vaguely London cross something else) can stand up and do this act to an innocent man. I feel also so sorry for the family , the Mother of the murderer as she didn't bring her son into the world expecting to recognise him on International TV actively barbarically murdering a fellow human being who is an innocent. She will remember the babe in arms, the cry of him as a vulnerable newborn but look at what he's turned out to be. Turn him in if you do know who he is. I am sure his family recognise his eyes and his accent/voice. If so, do the right thing and tell the police. He must have some problems that have lead him to this.May Allah/God and any Deity have a judgement on him for this.The man they hold as ' next ' I pray to all those to act against such evil. This is a madness, driven by a mad gathering of mad men and mad young gullible people. Allah/ God/ Jesus and all Deities that I have known and read about do not sanction the killing of fellow mankind. That is Satan; the Devil's work or any Anti-Right way of doing things whether you have no belief or a specific belief or whether you're talking about matters in Syria, Iraq or Manchester or Birmingham. It is wrong to kill mankind. Your Judgement Day will come young men-In sha' Allah/Deo Volente/Os mynn Duw.( RIP James Foley. May your Murderer be caught.

  2. #2


    I really don't know where, or see how this can end Gladys.

    The world really is heading for self destruction. We are in the throes of starting WW3 and are squaring up for religious war as well. Mankind has truly lost the plot.

  3. #3


    I offer up the following as a discussion point...

  4. #4
    Pillar of the Community
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Well found Rebbonk. That lady put it all so eloquently into perspective. It is the radicals and it is these people who must be found and brought to justice. Our justice isn't strong enough but America's is and if this particular man is identified and found his life should be (in my opinion ) ended justifiably. I hope measures are in place to facilitate the safety of family and friends if they turn these evil doers in.

  5. #5


    Another offering, purely for discussion...


    Speaking personally, I have never seen force work long-term.

  6. #6
    Pillar of the Community
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    Jul 2008


    Mmm- Not ideal in my view but how do you stop fantasists rising up and causing appalling mass murder? How do you identify them in the first place? They are people like you and I and do not have a dayglo sign above their heads saying ' I'm a murderous fanatic.'

  7. #7


    The problem is Gladys, (at least the way I see it) is that violence only breeds further violence. - Unless you are prepared to wipe the other side off the face of the earth?

    I really don't see any answer until all parties are prepared to be sensible, compromise and live accepting/respecting each other's beliefs and ways of life. (And I don't see that happening any time soon, do you?)

    But, oil and water don't mix, so there are little pressure kegs all over the earth, only awaiting a spark to set off a 9/11 type event....

    So where do we go from here?

  8. #8
    Pillar of the Community
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    Jul 2008


    I'm with you Rebbonk; two wrongs don't make a right. Except 'removing ' such people from society seems to be a must so they cannot spread their poison and then commit and cause murderous acts. I think this whole woven web needs a seriously new style of undercover stealth to identify and then to capture perpetrators. They have to be isolated from each other too. The man who beheaded Mr Foley needs a similar fate but then as I started out by saying ' two wrongs don't ...' I am contradicting myself. It just raises up a boiling fury at the cruel callous heartlessness of this man and those who do the same as he did. They are not decent human beings and don't deserve to breath anymore. Islam says ' an eye for an eye etc ' but our legal system just isn't strong enough to give just desserts. What is just desserts in a decent balanced society? I suppose that is my question.

    This is reported to be Boris' solution.

    His usual 'no nonsense ' approach to matters is a style I do like and I also agree that those identified as supporters of ISIS and the Jihadi regime should be banned from returning here. We don't need them nor want them. They don't deserve our British legal 'decency.'

  9. #9


    I think you have touched on an important point Gladys. Those involved in this particular episode don't hold life as dear or as precious as we do.

  10. #10
    Pillar of the Community
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    Jul 2008


    No, I think they hold life and individuals as 'replaceable. '

  11. #11


    Do a search for "Chris Spivey" Gladys. - Actually, don't if you are easily shocked and upset by bad language.

    He has some interesting thoughts on the Foley case (amongst others!). Now, I don't often subscribe to conspiracy theories (especially the more outlandish ones), but this guy seems to be needling people in the wrong places. He was recently raided and arrested in the early hours of the morning for 'harassment' of all things.

    I begin to think that there might be 'dark' forces at work in the UK

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by rebbonk View Post
    I offer up the following as a discussion point...

    Excellent video rebbonk,

    It would be very good if this video could find a much wider audience , because what this lady has to say is so important that many more people need to know about these facts. She also made a very good point that whenever they are confronted, they never say how the radicals are to be confronted and they seem to be in constant denial over what the hot heads are doing. There seems to be a real problem they have with reality generally. Everything she says is bang on the money. One thing I would add is this: One of the real problems with the Islamic religion is that they have no overall authority figure. So you get countless Imams, but nobody really above them. It is impossible to enter into a dialogue when there are no real global authority figures.

    I also agree with the speaker that they take advantage of citizenship and all they constantly do is talk about Islam and they clearly have no understanding of the duties of living in a democratic state.

    They also tend to bring up the Nazis. They say Hitler is not representative of western civilization but we keep going on about radicals as though they are representative. The Nazis held power for twelve years and were a small proportiion of a country of 60 million. Islam is a religion that is fifteen hundred years old and has over a billion followers! There is just no comparison. The radicals clearly represent huge numbers of Muslims world-wide. It's the revolutionaries who cause the problems.

    Of course, the Muslim lady is right Islam is a religion of peace. You either accept Islam in a peaceful way and if you don't you can be forceably converted.
    Last edited by Margaret; 28-08-2014 at 06:50 AM.

  13. #13
    Pillar of the Community
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    Jul 2008


    The pond life have struck again if the News just now is right. They have beheaded Stephen Sotlov -(spelling) RIP.

  14. #14
    Pillar of the Community
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    Jul 2008


    It is a cult, not a belief. Islam, Christians and other beliefs and religions are kind ; these Isis are not. They are; Barbaric, despicable, inhuman, cruel, heartless, depraved, mind+++ked, mentally ill,not normal, easily persuaded, easily lead, angry, etc etc. I have started an e-petition. Once it is accepted, join with me and my cult! RIP you poor Dear Innocent men.(and women)

  15. #15


    I kind of knew this would happen.
    Every bit of sobbing and pleading from family, friends for forgiveness, is a nail in that captured person's coffin. Conscience is not in their dictionary. They love the power they hold and begging for mercy on t v only incites them to hysterically kill again.To let us all knowjust who holds the upper hand. I'm all for Boris.

  16. #16


    I'd pull every one who doesn't belong in the ME out and let them get on with it. But it won't happen because money is being made and there is oil!

    The biggest problem is that we don't actually understand the various tribes and sects that make up the ME. They'll fight with us today, but fight for the other side tomorrow. They have no loyalty as we understand it. There are scraps and feuds going back thousands of years, scores are being settled and acts of revenge being carried out.

    Should any UK national wish to go and fight out there, I'd let them go, but also be telling them that they wouldn't be coming back here.


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