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Thread: Daily life over the garden fence chat.

  1. #1

    Default Daily life over the garden fence chat.

    A place to share how your day has been. Senior moments or shopping trips, bargains, and so forth.

    Today, the rubbish lorry swallowed my wheelie bin! Yes, the whole lot just disappeard into the machinery and couldn't be retrieved. The refuse operator apologized and gave me a number to ring so I can have a replacement.

  2. #2


    I wonder how long that replacement will take Margaret?

    When we had our garden waste bins delivered, they missed us out. We called twice explaining that we hadn't had one delivered... Nothing happened.

    Then we found out that one our neighbours had 3! The house numbers in our block run out of sequence and the brains from the council obviously couldn't read the numbers on the doors!

    My son had his normal wheelie bin stolen. 12 months later it had still not been replaced. He'd actually moved before a replacement arrived.

    Councils... Pah!

  3. #3


    Don't worry, I have ways of making them deliver!
    They said it should be delivered within ten working days.

  4. #4


    For about 7/8 months after I moved into my present address, I get letters coming for the previous occupier, debt collectors, I got tired of sending the letters back to say that this person is no longer at this address, so I stopped returning them. A few weeks later, a knock on the door asking for this person, I won't give the name, but it sounds like a bogus name I will never forget, I will just say it sounded very Indian. Anyway I had a visit from the debt collector, I answered the door and he asks me If I was this ********* , I was so flippin annoyed and had enough harassment, my feisty Scottish temperament kicked in, I said to him, do I look like *********, like I am so obviously British, how dare he cause me such harassment and invade my privacy by asking me for ID and and a Council Tax form to prove that I am not the person they were looking for. By now my blood was at boiling point, and I told him to go and do his own damn research and check with the Council records, (I am keeping it polite here because I did use some unlady like words). I said, to him, if you ever come to my door again to make sure he brings a policeman with him, Or I shall be the one calling the police! By this time was making his way back to his car and I followed him still giving him hell, he shut his car door , then shut his window on me when I was still in full flow, then I called him an ignorant B*****d.
    He said he had been in the job for 25 years and never heard anything like it!
    Never saw him again.

    I don't mind people making enquiries, but this guy had an obnoxious manner. Perhaps they are trained to put the frightners on people, but his tacticts did work with me.
    It's not good for my health getting wound up, but I laugh about it now .
    Last edited by Margaret; 07-11-2013 at 12:57 PM.

  5. #5


    I once had a letter from a debt collecting agency, and I must say it was very intimidating. I will add that I did not owe anyone money and the company that had sold the debt on were a bunch of shysters and fly by nights who couldn't run a bath, never mind a company. (They are long since out of business).

    My brother was a solicitor and I asked him to put pen to paper as I thought it would be better on a solicitor's letterhead. He wrote two sentences and I never heard from them again.

    Never got an apology from either party either!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by rebbonk View Post
    I once had a letter from a debt collecting agency, and I must say it was very intimidating. I will add that I did not owe anyone money and the company that had sold the debt on were a bunch of shysters and fly by nights who couldn't run a bath, never mind a company. (They are long since out of business).

    My brother was a solicitor and I asked him to put pen to paper as I thought it would be better on a solicitor's letterhead. He wrote two sentences and I never heard from them again.

    Never got an apology from either party either!

    Nice one Rebbonk. It's like tele marketing pests, we start off being polite but they don't get the message unless you hit them with a 2x4, metaphorically speaking of course. .
    Last edited by Margaret; 08-11-2013 at 07:10 AM.

  7. #7


    I have set myself a task , I'm practicing one piece on the piano for a whole hour, then the next excercise for an hour before my tutor gets here. Trouble is, I like to keep checking in here intermittently. The interenet can be a terrible distraction, it is amazing how quickly an hour goes.
    Last edited by Margaret; 08-11-2013 at 09:01 AM.

  8. #8


    Well, insomnia kicked in last night: I've been up since 2.30. Unfortunately, I didn't get much done, because the websites I needed were down for maintenance.

    Hope the sites are back up now.
    Last edited by Margaret; 08-11-2013 at 01:18 PM.

  9. #9


    Wow, the Council delivered my new Wheelie Bin this morning! That was nice and quick.

  10. #10


    Ah, south Warwickshire! Now, had you been in North Warwickshire, perhaps it might have been different?

    Warwickshire divide grows say 'experts'

  11. #11


    Oh I say!
    I wouldn't have thought there was a lot of employment in Stratford, most people there I think, are self employed .
    Of course, one could always travel out of Nuneaton for work.
    I don't know if there is a good public transport system there.
    Last edited by Margaret; 08-11-2013 at 05:48 PM.

  12. #12
    Administrator Lex's Avatar
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    Jun 2012


    That is bad. this has been discussed many times on WOL, it's good that this has been recognised, our beloved leaders just need to get to work on sorting it out! (I realised while writing this that it sounds like I'm shoving the responsibility on to someone else; maybe it should be all our responsibilities? Discuss, and write a report for your homework ;-) )

  13. #13


    Waiting for our new settee to be delivered, I finally got rid of our old bed settee, it was quite heavy what with all the metal and springs, so I unfolded the bed bit, unscrewed it all and managed to removed it, making the settee lighter and easier to manoeuvre, I managed to upend it to get it out the door, and out fell some money. I'll never buy a bed settee again as they are so cumbersome and awkward to move.
    Our new settee is now in place and has transformed the living room, it looks lovely.
    Last edited by Margaret; 26-11-2013 at 05:33 PM.

  14. #14

    Default December

    Well here we are, Dec 1st. Advent begins.
    I don't think I have ever know such lovely weather for December, today has been beautiful, blue sunny skies, very mild for this time of year.

  15. #15


    I bought a little christmas tree in a pot and now I have planted it out in the garden.
    Hopefully it will survive the weather.

  16. #16


    When we moved in here 20odd years ago, there was a 4ft Christmas tree at the bottom of our garden. The b*gger is now as high as the house, and I'm forever pruning the lower branches off!


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