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Thread: In for a triple dip

  1. #1

    Default In for a triple dip

    So we're in for a triple dip are we, and George Osbourne is not going to change anything--says it will right itself. Exports are down but will pick up he says. (Public schools never educated their pupils to run a country-and it shows.)
    How, when there are no jobs? Industry is failing, businesses are closing never to open again.
    Soon there will be no exports-not enough businesses left making what people want at home or abroad. I have always said there is a conspiracy by all governments to bring us to our knees, back to the 1900s.
    Worse in a way,No coal and wood fires to keep warm and for cooking in emergency mostly have gone. we are at the mercy of our gas and electricity companies with their hideous bills. Pay up or freeze and starve.
    Read Robert Tressell's,'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists' and see where we are heading.
    I really must get out more ----

  2. #2


    Osborne has only had one job in the "real" world. He was a towel folder at Selfridges!

    The man is totally incompetent, has no idea, and it shows.

    Looking at this government, if this is a typical example of an expensive Eaton education, you can stick it!

  3. #3


    A very responsible job, a towel folder in Selfridges!.
    Exactly the qualifications needed for an important job in our Government.
    Reminds me of a lovely friend of mine who had 'served his time' at Jaguar for 38 years . His only job there was fitting 4 bolts to front bumpers. When he was made redundant he was very hurt when couldn't get another job - they said he had no experience.
    He decided to be an artist, but after setting himself up with with his redundancy money-studio,equipment, and all that goes with it including a smock-he gave up after a year because only his family and friends bought his excruciating efforts--including me.
    He never worked again-but enjoys life to the full on benefits.
    Another thing before I go-I'll be offline now 'til Tuesday night ---I said I needed to get out more.-
    Where are the troops coming from when we go into Algeria --do we borrow them from somewhere-U.S. for instance or move them from Afghanistan, by delaying their redundacies until they have been 'thinned out' in yet another war.
    Last edited by cathidaw; 02-02-2013 at 11:50 AM.

  4. #4


    If we "borrow" anything from the US we pay heavily

  5. #5


    i SEE THEY'VE DECIDED TO SEND TROOPS IN ANYWAY.I wonder where they got them from- after all our army is the thinnest on the ground ever.
    D ont tell them about the boy scouts

  6. #6


    I'm not sure how much of this is a "distraction" away from Camoron's abysmal performance or other little "nasties" that are being hidden by it.

    But sure as eggs are eggs, this is going to cost us money we don't have.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Shizara's Avatar
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    Smoke, mirrors, hide the truth from the masses - they might revolt. Imagine a snowball rolling down a hill picking up more snow as it rolls ever faster to its destruction.......

  8. #8


    I'm very surprised we haven't revolted by now-but the time will come.
    It's not the 1900s when people accepted 'them and us' and were afraid of the gentry.Most were kept down by deliberate lack of education by the government.and everyone was supposed to'know their place' which was at the bottom of the pile..Also they were too malnourished to make the effort to revolt.It took them all their time to find food and somewhere to live.
    Most of us are educated now, and know enough not put up with it.
    One of my hobbies was researching.the working class of late 19th cent and early20th centuries and I can see what will happen if it all goes on like it is doing.
    Im not clever enough,I wouldn't start a riot for instance --but I'd join in.
    Everone should read 'The ragged trousered Philanthropist' by Robert Tressel
    I'll step off my little stool now.
    Last edited by cathidaw; 03-02-2013 at 10:53 PM.

  9. #9


    The problem is, we're still enslaved. It isn't by chains, it's by debt, and they'll do everything they can to keep us in debt and tied to their nasty little system. Politicians used to bluff and spin. Camoron told a blatant lie last week about our country's debt. Yet he'll get away with it. They foist the illusion of wealth on us, when it's all fueled by debt.

    There is much wrong with this country, and we, the people, have ourselves to blame. We are far too interested in football, soaps, reality TV, cigarettes and cheap booze to see what is actually going on around us.

    Look at the methods the politicians use; they divide and conquer at every opportunity.

  10. #10


    Exactly. It's always money, as it was then.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Margaret View Post
    ... it forces them to think ...
    You have a point there. I used to run a creative thinking course to help with the problem solving courses I ran. People were really lost when they had to work out how things worked or what might happen in a given scenario. It's something I'd like to see put on the schools curriculum.

  12. #12


    I'm for once, not sure I agree with what has been said here.
    The unthinkers , true are what they are, and are quite happy as long as they have their little cocooned worlds safe, like animals in a zoo, being fed all they want from life -beer football and fags.Governments don't have any part in their lives until someone rocks their little boats and they see impending doom as their incomes are cut, then breathe a sigh of relief that it's not going to impinge on their ability to get the Beers, Footy and fags, even if it means the kids lose out, which mostly they don't as these people know all the benefit tricks. I've worked for social services, seen these people and worked with them, and they think they are so clever. (and some are so clever the way they work out the kind of tricks they get up to.Imagine what these people would be like if educated properly.)
    Thats just one section of the population, and they will have no clout compared with the 'others and I believe that one day many of those aforementioned will come a cropper. If the government did their job properly and made every fit person work, and kids were educated properly, they too would realise what the government is up to.
    But I cant see it happening with the stupid bunch in power now.... but not so stupid that they dont know which side their expensive bread is buttered.
    The are conspirators in legalised crime.
    It's past midnight and if this is convoluted I think you know what I'm on about.
    If not --sorry.I'm off to bed --
    to read Alan Bennett's 'Tales Untold' gloomy but excellent.
    Last edited by cathidaw; 04-02-2013 at 11:05 AM.

  13. #13
    Super Moderator Shizara's Avatar
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    Interestingly, thinkers are challengers because they challenge the thinking and actions of others. Those that appear to be non thinkers are a combination of those that really haven't a clue and don't want to have a clue, just happy to have things done for them and those that have plenty of clues and are capable of thinking deep enough to know what tricks to pull and what buttons to push to get what they want with out having to go and break rocks for it and clearly feel the risk of being caught is marginal and worth taking the chance. These people are also challengers because they too challenge the thinking and actions of others from a different perspective. What is different is the motivation for doing so.

    Deep thinkers who question actions and the results of those actions are sometimes viewed as a threat and so more smoke and mirrors are rolled out in attempt to divert the attentions of those people. It's a vicious circle, however, take a comfy seat and dig your toes in as it will always be a bumpy ride.

  14. #14
    Administrator Lex's Avatar
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    Well, we've managed to avoid the triple dip in the first 3 months of the year.

  15. #15


    Is it a fluke? Is it statistically significant?

    I am not convinced.

  16. #16
    Administrator Lex's Avatar
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    I think it's basically a case of the economy just holding steady - maybe stagnating? George Osbourne is genuinely playing the long game, and we're holding out own at the minute, and laying foundations for an economy that won't be as susceptible to the boom and bust cycles of the last 30 years (or maybe I'm being naive?)


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