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Thread: Spiders Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Established Member
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    Default Spiders Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I went into my garden last weekend and haven't ventured out there again since because of what I saw!

    It was horrifying! There were huge mahousive webs everywhere! With big spiders in them! Then after I noticed this and realised I couldn't go out my back gate due to one blocking my way I came in and realised...... They are all over the doores and windows too.......... Eeeeeeek :shock:

    Then a few days later I walked in the living room and one was hanging from the ceiling and everyone was just sitting there watching tv??? WTF!

    Then yesterday when I came home last night, another big mama on the bush right out side the front door!

    What are they doing barachading my house so no one can get in and out????
    More to the point where are the stupid bloomin cats in all this?

    Oh and to top it off I saw on TV this am that there are more spiders this year - the dude said where you might normally see 4 or 5 in your garden your likely to see 20 or 30 now???????????????????????

    My question is WHY? Is there any thing that will stop them coming like this? :|

  2. #2


    Oww I hate them

    A frend on mine has iron gates in front of her house and they are covered in webs at the moment. And the other morning i was trying to get out so i was to walk over and put a code in much to my delight there was a huge web over the entry code pad which I put my head straight into.

    I was kicking and screaming for about 10 minutes after. I hate killing them but they they do silly things like crawl on your bed or jump onto you. To be honest I think spiders know their scary and use it to there advantage!

  3. #3
    Pillar of the Community
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    As a child with a fever and a terror of crawlies, to wake in the night to see an enormous 'Herman' marching towarsd me. Having the fever and screaming my parents thought I had the 'DTs'-no such thing. Mr Herman marched out and across straight in front of them. I have to say , I suddenly,woke; there was something about this being real not my tonsillitis, I pleaded that they put herman out which they gladly did. Since then, I dislike them in the room and will not rest until they are removed outside but I can not kill or hurt them. After all he didn't do anything to hurt me. Kalma

  4. #4


    My fear is of moths, not the
    tiddly ones but big ones- with staring shining eyes and fat bodies
    that hover up and down the windows when the lights are on. The stuff of nightmares.
    I went into my bedroom the other week and there was a big one flying around the light. I slept in another room that night but not until I'd poked my hand around the door and sprayed the room with flykiller.
    I found it next day--and it was a BIGGY..
    If one comes near me I can be heard shrieking a few streets away.
    Don't like butterflies either if they come near me, altho' I can pick up an injured one and put it somewhere safe from the birds.
    One year some friends organised a surprise mystery visit for me on my birthday.
    We didn't get past the gates of the butterfly farm near Welford.

  5. #5
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    Ergh Moths! Yes they are another terror! And they always seem to fly right in your face! Anything but that you know?

    Luckily my cat loves them and thinks they are a right treat so I don't need to bother myself with these

    The fat ones that you are referring to are the worse ones! Ewwwww! It makes me cringe!

    Gladys - I like you have a thing about killing spiders - I would rather someone would pick them up and chuck them outside than harm them - this is probably due to my dad drumming this intio me at a young age, not that he ever got me to do it though! Haha! I usually get my friend Maryam to do it for me, she is the brave one hehe! She will pick up a spider, a moth or whatever and launch it out the nearest window hehe!

  6. #6


    I would rather this - but I just get so jumpy and scared. I was having a conversation with someone the other day and I was saying that when I was younger I wasn't scared of so much? For example I would collect snails. Then at school the phase went onto collecting woodlouse.

    I was mortified at the thought of this but its true. But now as I've got older I'm just getting more and more frightened of things.

    Has any one heard about the 100 sheep involved in accident where a lorry overturned? Many were killed.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcey View Post
    I would rather this - but I just get so jumpy and scared. I was having a conversation with someone the other day and I was saying that when I was younger I wasn't scared of so much? For example I would collect snails. Then at school the phase went onto collecting woodlouse.

    I was mortified at the thought of this but its true. But now as I've got older I'm just getting more and more frightened of things.

    Has any one heard about the 100 sheep involved in accident where a lorry overturned? Many were killed.
    I think you have a poitn there - I never liked them but I never used to be terrified either!

    Maybe it all started with arachnaphobia when I was younger hehe! Movies can have an influence?

    Were the sheep in the lorry????

  8. #8


    No I think they were in a near by field I'm not entirely sure.

    By the way Josie I was searching the internet and kept coming across websites that sell these

    spider repeller, get rid of spiders

    This seems to be some sort of spider deterrent - I wonder how affective these are though? Does anyone here have one?

    I'm really quite tempted to get some for my house.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcey View Post
    No I think they were in a near by field I'm not entirely sure.

    By the way Josie I was searching the internet and kept coming across websites that sell these

    spider repeller, get rid of spiders

    This seems to be some sort of spider deterrent - I wonder how affective these are though? Does anyone here have one?

    I'm really quite tempted to get some for my house.
    My sister got one of these for her living room and she said it does the job well enough if it isn't covered byu nything or has anything obstrcting its path! Problem is they only seem to work in the room they are in - so at the cost of £10-15 each you will need one for each room?

    Bit expensive don't you think so?

    If I could buy one and it did an effective job throughout the house then it would be good - but one for each room is loooong ! LOL

  10. #10


    That's really quite pricey isn't it! I think just Hoover your house in every corner often and that way they have nowhere to hide and get comfy ... other than that it’s a case of getting use to them.

    I usually just get the Hoover and Hoover them.

  11. #11


    When I was young , I had a head for heights, was not afraid of moths or butterflies or anything that I can remember- except my maths teacher and my dad. I had a collection pet furry striped caterpillars -(I wonder where they have all gone) until I got a rash on my arms, .
    Now I get vertigo on high buildings and even dream about being up there sometimes and wake myself up, can't be near a butterfly, get frantic with big moths. Nearly all of us have a phobia of some kind --and usually unreasonably.It would be interesting to know what other strange things people are afraid of,
    I dont like touching old buttons , safety pins , and old coins.
    Otherwise I'm quite normal !!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cathidaw View Post
    When I was young , I had a head for heights, was not afraid of moths or butterflies or anything that I can remember- except my maths teacher and my dad. I had a collection pet furry striped caterpillars -(I wonder where they have all gone) until I got a rash on my arms, .
    Now I get vertigo on high buildings and even dream about being up there sometimes and wake myself up, can't be near a butterfly, get frantic with big moths. Nearly all of us have a phobia of some kind --and usually unreasonably.It would be interesting to know what other strange things people are afraid of,
    I dont like touching old buttons , safety pins , and old coins.
    Otherwise I'm quite normal !!!
    HAha your right lets start a new thread to find out hehe!

    I wonder what causes our phobias?

  13. #13


    Hey guys, just noticed you have been looking for ways to get rid of spiders, and someone mentioned the electronic repellers and that you would need one for every room - not true!! We have one for the whole house Only £20 quid as well.. not as bad as it seems!

    Get Rid of Spiders

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by debbier View Post
    Hey guys, just noticed you have been looking for ways to get rid of spiders, and someone mentioned the electronic repellers and that you would need one for every room - not true!! We have one for the whole house Only £20 quid as well.. not as bad as it seems!

    Get Rid of Spiders
    Wow does it work????

  15. #15

    Default spider repeller

    It sure does! It took a couple of weeks for ours to get going - but apparently this is normal as it takes time for the spiders to adjust for them to get out of their hiding holes Haven't seen a spider for ages now!!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by debbier View Post
    It sure does! It took a couple of weeks for ours to get going - but apparently this is normal as it takes time for the spiders to adjust for them to get out of their hiding holes Haven't seen a spider for ages now!!
    Good stuff I may have to look into one of these little babies when I get paid then hehe!

    Thanks for the tip!


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