It makes the government's attempts at controlling COVID look almost professional.
It makes the government's attempts at controlling COVID look almost professional.
I passed through Coventry station last week. It still looks rough round the edges on the platform side of the station:
Sadly, the redevelopment of Coventry hasn't worked out for 1 shop:
The first of many.
I'm afraid the plan isn't working out as intended at all. I have little time for O'Boyle and Co but many of us predicted that the developments proposed were out of keeping for Coventry. We aren't a major player, we aren't a rich city and the plans were far too ambitious, not to mention expensive, unworkable and unnecessary. But it's easy to spend other people's money. Of course, on paper the developments will be made to look a success, but the reality will be very different.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
£1.8 million to spruce up a few shop fronts & new lights:
Private money is being used for this bit of the development. 'Tax write off' comes to mind:
O'Boyle again! The man is a walking disasterzone. This will not turn out well.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Octopus Energy is moving from Leamington to Friargate:
'A spokesman for Octopus Energy told the BBC the move was decided after reaching capacity in that office and it also saw moving to a city with two universities as a good opportunity for recruitment.'. Looks like this is basically a call centre. Great while students are at university, but I imagine they have more ambition for after they graduate.
My daughter's company were supposed to be moving there, but for some reason things have been put on hold!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Another phase of development:
"Affordable homes" - Affordable to whom exactly? - Student rental companies?
Yet more folly from O'Boyle!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
THe council's farting around with the northern part of the city centre, now:
Maybe they should finish the south before starting on the north?
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Nah, cock the whole thing up at once, get it out of the way.
More development woek's about to start:
Will the developers run out of money and run cap in hand to the council for a bail-out?
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.