Originally Posted by
chris short
I have just read your requests for any connections to the Mallabone family and have some informatio which may be of some use to you.
In the book "Images of England - Nuneaton Vol II" by Peter Lee, the Mallabone family are pictured on Page 103. In addtion in the book "Nuneaton past and present" by John Burton page 100 it shows a picture of a young girl and mother standing oubtsdie the Jolly Collier pub. My connection to this ? My mother Dorothy Margaret Short (nee Spicer) unfortunatley passed away Chistmas eve 2008 in my home town of Exeter, Devon havng been born in Nuneaton and marrying my father Ronald Short of Exeter, Devon during he war. Whenever my mum looked at the book she always said that she had some connections with the Mallabones I think through her mum's first marriage, she gained the name Spicer through her dad's second marriage. In addition the girl pictured with her mother in the Jolly Colliers pub in College Street was her cousin. Although my mum inherited four brothers on her dad's second marriage and I have numrsous aunts and cousins from the Spicer's side living in Nuneaton, I too would love to know of her real connections with the Mallabones but sadly she is not here for me to pursue.
I don't know whether this infomation would be of any use to you, The next time I speak to my 85 year old father in Exeter, I am sure that he may be able to put some more light on the subject and I'm sure that I have an auntie who lives on Camp Hill who might also be able to answer some other questions.
Chris Short