Good to see these kids being a fair crack of the education whip:
Good to see these kids being a fair crack of the education whip:
I have to admit that I have mixed views on this, but good luck to those who can benefit from it.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
It is good to hear that special needs children get a chance in the education system and bring them on with their learning difficulties as much as possible. We needs more of these facilities , but I don't know how many special need teachers there are to go around, I hear it can be a tough job.
'If' and I know this is a big 'if' - but if they end up being useful members of the workforce , it will make them feel their worth and useful members of society. We can't let them stay at home and vegetate. I know there will be those who are probably wheelchair bound and more limited.
I may be wrong in my thinking, but I am all for education, special needs or not.
I find the whole subject interesting.
Last edited by margaret; 11-10-2024 at 11:34 AM.
“I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”
- Lord Byron.