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Thread: Post Office & related scandals

  1. #1
    Pillar of the Community margaret's Avatar
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    Sep 2018

    Default Post Office & related scandals

    If the Party is in control, it believes it can change reality.
    Perhaps there is no more glaring example in recent times of this, than computerization, control of information and the economy.
    The truly shocking details of the Post Office scandal has all of these ingredients. And far more.
    Hundreds of sub postmasters were accused and prosecuted when the fault lay with a faulty computer system. They dared to say that the computer system was useless and was throwing up more problems than they could solve. For questioning the digital narrative they lost their jobs and went to prison. Only now is the scale of the disgusting treatment they received coming to light.These sub-postmasters lives have been ruined.
    The NHS scandal where the criminals in Westminster have flushed away hundreds of billons on useless computer systems is the other ugly sister of this Post Office scandal.
    “I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”

    - Lord Byron.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator rebbonk's Avatar
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    Just as questioning the official narrative on COVID cost many their livelihoods.

    Take a good look at the military and defence contracts if you want to see some real scandals.

    We live in a very corrupt world, where we, the little people, are not only expendable but we pay for it all.
    Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.

  3. #3
    Pillar of the Community margaret's Avatar
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    Sep 2018


    Yes, indeed. We are the expendables.
    Reading a bit more on this, made me wonder about something.
    Faults were being reported on this system which the management refused to deal with. They were also isolating the subbies reporting them by saying they were the only ones reporting them (a typical tactic of the political class, btw).
    BUT what about if the system was actually DESIGNED to throw up these alleged shortfalls? That would give them a fantastic opportunity to screw and scam millions from tjhe innocent subbies whilst all the time pretending that, at the very worst, it was just some glitch for which they the management were not responsible.
    What has happened is now a scandal of national and vast proportions.
    Don't forget, they have also screwed the system by conning all these judges with these convictions that have had to be overturned and quashed. So the judges and the system is very angry with them for undermining credibility.This is where the conspirators went too far. I doubt they will escape justice.
    The bent lawyers will be struck off. And the conspirators themselves can look forward a prolonged stay in Durham and Wakefield.

    Mr H.
    Last edited by margaret; 06-01-2024 at 08:18 AM.
    “I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”

    - Lord Byron.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator rebbonk's Avatar
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    Mr. H, you have greater faith in the 'system' than I do. A few 'sacrifices' might be made, but I think the real culprits will walk away.
    Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.

  5. #5
    Pillar of the Community margaret's Avatar
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    You are of course right, and it is wrong to have, really, any faith in the system.
    All I would say is that, as the most egregious miscarriage ever, elements of it have the potential to change the entire landscape of things.
    Mister H
    “I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”

    - Lord Byron.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator rebbonk's Avatar
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    I find it incredibly telling that before this documentary little was happening. It shouldn't take a TV company to draw attention to the plight of the victims of this miscarriage of justice.

    Damned pity nobody did a documentary about the Child Support Agency and how it behaved in its early years.
    Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.


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