At least 6 months of campaigning befoe the vote:
With the US presidential election this year as well, it'll be solid coverage on both subjects. I'm going to stop listening to the news now.
At least 6 months of campaigning befoe the vote:
With the US presidential election this year as well, it'll be solid coverage on both subjects. I'm going to stop listening to the news now.
Your blood pressure will go down and you'll be much happier![]()
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I actually listened to the news this morning. It's amazing how the politicians' soundbites are even more full of words, without saying anything.
Politicians are masters of talking without saying anything.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
The buildup continues:
Ironic that Nick Clegg achieves more working for FaceAche than he ever did as an MP. - Still a w*nker, though!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I don't know who I'll be voting for. I trust Labour even less than I do the Conservatives, and the Lib. Dems. are even more of a non-entity than ever.
I might use your trick, Rebbonk, and spoil my ballot paper.
The Greens have announced their candidates for Warwick & Leamington and Kenilworth & Southam. I wonder if they'll keep their deposits
Opinion polls aren't considered particularly reliable, but going by this one, the Conservatives are screwed:
Agreed, things don't look good. I'm no conservative party supporter but the thought of Starmer getting in terrifies the life out of me. His minister for health has already stated that he wants the NHS to focus on women's issues and those that affect ethnic minorities. - That leaves me at the bottom of the pile (again) despite all my heavy financial contributions over the years.
However, a lot could happen between now and the election!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Thought I recognised you down here, Rebbonk!! It's the cost of being the cause of all that's wrong with the universe!
I was going to strat a separate thread for the Bugdet, but it's basically a part of the election campaign:
I started watching it but turned it off due to all the childish behaviour. I'm honestly disgusted at the calibre of person we have running the country.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I'm glad that Galloway got in to kick a few asses!
Last edited by margaret; 15-03-2024 at 07:17 AM.
“I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”
- Lord Byron.
He's certainly going to shake things up, Margaret. Whether he'll do that in a good or bad way remains to be seen.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.