A sad state of affairs. It's good to see organisations like the Trussell Trust picking the baton up: https://leamingtonobserver.co.uk/new...ire-foodbanks/
A sad state of affairs. It's good to see organisations like the Trussell Trust picking the baton up: https://leamingtonobserver.co.uk/new...ire-foodbanks/
I still think that in this day and age, in one of the richest countries in the world, that this is an abomination and a sad reflection on our society, never mind our politicians!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
I've come to the conclusion that the government's not going to do anything useful, so we might as well do it ourselves. This type of effort reminds me of the philanthropists of the Victorian age, although perhapse with not as much self-interest.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
No Morrisons within walking distance around here. Will need to find another way of doing something.
Perhaps 'Gimick' Cameron was onto something with his Big Society after all......
Although Food Banks are not a long term solution , If you want to donate, you will find food bank collection points, in ASDA, Marks & Spencers, Morrisons is not in my area. too far to walk.
Also don't forget you can drop stuff into your local church, they have food distribution boxes too. And every Christmas Our church collects gifts to distribute to local poorer families.
People are very generous but it would seem largely that the devious bast..d, politicians leave charity up to the public.
Last edited by margaret; 06-12-2023 at 11:24 AM.
“I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”
- Lord Byron.