What these f***wits never seem to realise is that the people the poppies commemorate fought so they're free to be the k****eads they are: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...rotesters.html
What these f***wits never seem to realise is that the people the poppies commemorate fought so they're free to be the k****eads they are: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...rotesters.html
Sadly, Lex, this is wasted on them. The hypocrisy and stupidity of them is unbelievable.
I'm not going to be around to see the final outfall of this, but it ain't going to be pretty.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
The police have got the message - sort of. Will there be any batons or riot shields in use? Nah.
I've developed a bit of respect for the Home Secretary over the last couple of days for taking a stand against the mob.