Obviously, the shortage of money has nothing to do with mismanagement, or the farsical city of culture year: https://www.coventryobserver.co.uk/n...inancial-help/
Obviously, the shortage of money has nothing to do with mismanagement, or the farsical city of culture year: https://www.coventryobserver.co.uk/n...inancial-help/
Wasting money on cycle lanes that nobody uses, bailing out the failed city of culture... to name but two issues.
The problem here is that if they do go bust, the good citizens of this city will be expected to pay even more for less. In my opinion, any council that goes bust ought to face full public scrutiny and, if fiscal mismanagement is uncovered, those responsible ought to stand to lose their own personal assets! - I'll not go holding my breath!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Looks like the council's preparing the population for the proverbial hitting the fan: https://www.coventryobserver.co.uk/n...ancial-future/
What irks me, is that even if they do go bust we can't force them to resign.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
No doubt they'll be elected again, despite their incomptence.
They led us into this mess through their incompetence. Those responsible are not the right people to extract us from the mess. If they are bailed out, they'll continue as before and we'll still be in the mire. The law needs to change so that when councils go bankrupt, the elected officials are forced to stand down. I have no issue with them standing for re-election, if the electorate re-elects them, that is their lookout.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
The council thinks it can avoid going bust. I won't hold my breath: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cv2z8ywn9r0o
They intend stuffing us with a 5% council tax rise!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Maybe the coincil could do a better job of collecting council tax. It'd help: https://coventryobserver.co.uk/news/...ax-black-hole/
Shocking, isn't it?
I know when I've been more than a couple of days late paying they're soon on to me. Maybe we have two-tier debt collecting?
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Maybe something to do with having a bit of self-respect, worked hard all your life, and generally done well for yourself?
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
More cuts & tax rises on the way: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crlngl4djggo
The council has assets that could be sold off. They should stop 'investing' in ludicrous schemes and bankrupt companies. There is plenty of endemic waste within the council itself that could be cut.
Another 5% rise, another broken promise from our excremental government who promised council tax freezes if elected.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
Some of the cuts are being reversed. You'd think there's elections coming up........
Talking to people around the city, they all seem fed up with things and say they will vote Reform come the May elections. Whether this is simply talk, or will result in a few seat losses I don't know.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.