That's Argos on the skids now with online ordering now where there is a Sainsbury's..
Next in line I think will be Iceland closures. Shame really.
That's Argos on the skids now with online ordering now where there is a Sainsbury's..
Next in line I think will be Iceland closures. Shame really.
“I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”
- Lord Byron.
Sainsbury's own Argos, hence the closure of Argos solus stores. Unfortunately, Sainsbury's contracting has affected Argos. My own view is that Sainsbury's ought never have bought them. I see further trouble ahead for both brands!
Iceland seems to be steady on their finances, but that could change rather rapidly if the UK moves away from frozen foods.
The supermarkets are finding that their business models post brexit aren't working for them, hence the reason we are being ripped off. Have you noticed any supermarkets reporting reduced profits? - We are paying heavily to keep these parasites going!
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.