The Greg Hall on Henley Street is safe from the themeparkification of Stratford:
The Greg Hall on Henley Street is safe from the themeparkification of Stratford:
Just found an old thread on this topic, and merged it with this one. The Stratford Gateway/World Shakespeare Centre's been on the books for nearly a decade, and something's only just happening:
Another white elephant for the zoo?
The project's been given a pile of cash:
I'm becoming less convinced by the viability of these projects by the day. It might just be me, but Stratford seems to be haemorrhaging visitors:
Stratford's a one-trick pony, heavily dependent on tourism fuelled by interest in Shakespeare himself. It should feed the cultural interests of the visitors, not try to be a glitzy funfair town with Shakespeare himself being a minor interest. Dumbing down is often counterproductive.
Of course it'll fit, you just need a bigger hammer.
There have been rumours going around for a while that the District Council is making life difficult for other towns in the area by dumping a load of red tape on them, because they're doing a better job of attracting visitors than Stratford.