I hear that there is a suggestion some filming for Doctor Who could be done in Coventry sometime soon. Anyone heard anything?
I hear that there is a suggestion some filming for Doctor Who could be done in Coventry sometime soon. Anyone heard anything?
Where did you hear that? It'd be great to see Darleks wondering around Cov.
The rumour came to me via some very effective bush telegraph (means by word of mouth) ... so no idea what the origin was hence trying to find out if someone else has heard it or knows.
Haven't heard anything about this - but will keep my eyes & ears open
Be sure to report back if you hear anything!
It would appear that we have some Doctor Who fans
Well, there was some truth to the rumour. Went to Coventry anyway and went for a walk. Lo and behold, a dead giveaway, Ryder's rental trucks and a Cardiff sticker outside the old Ford's Hospital. Quite a few of the crew around preparing the building for filming later tonight. - The road will be closed if you are planning a visit so might need to "beat the feet". The old Manor House has some goings on too.
I took some photos of the preparations before filming if anyone is interested. They used barrels to cover bollards, straw to cover the road, washing to cover the writing on the building and a tarpaulin type thing covering a sign on the wall and a decoration over the door handle.
hmm.. the url didn't work too well... try http://picasaweb.google.com/CrystalFire then choose the album about Coventry and filming
Thanks for the info Shizara - good bit of detective work - talk about being in the right place at the right time!
i saw the tardis!!!!
its parked outside the lord leicesters hospital in warwick(now with a tarpaulin over it) and its all looking a bit like the seaside there...
i thought the tardis was bigger...
OOOOOH!! Did you take a photo for us?????
er.. sort of.. its under a tarp, and i took it with my mobile... and i cant get the pic onto the 'puter... (luddite, see) if you pm your mobile no. i can send it you, but its not that exciting! i will try harder tomorrow
Hi - have just found this via a google search.
Listening to the news tonight - seems they will be there for tonight & tomorrow as well.
Tonight! Woop just drove buy adn saw loadsa extras, im too scared to go any closer! I think they will porb be filming 2moz, but lets keep our finders crossed...ooo its so exciting!
Welcome to the forum, hope you'll register with us.
I think you should be brave and go and ask if they want any extras.