So it's snowed enough to the point where I was the only one who was able to make it to the office today, everyone else was apparently unable to make it through the treacherous conditions! Even though...
Type: Posts; User: Abbie; Keyword(s):
So it's snowed enough to the point where I was the only one who was able to make it to the office today, everyone else was apparently unable to make it through the treacherous conditions! Even though...
Hi, time for my bi-yearly posts. :D
I think pedestrianising Bridge street would be wonderful. It's something the council has wanted to do for a very long time now, I can remember the proposed...
Maybe it's part of some crazy 'World class Stratford Scheme' to combine the theatre with the fire brigade. It's ridiculous enough to have come out of Stratford Council.
Seriously though, it is a...
Hi Jenjen, hope you come and visit us again soon!. :D
Oh dear, that's fair enough then I suppose. My guess is non of them really understood quite what the advantage was of being able to use an online forum. Or perhaps they didn't know how.
I think...
Hi, was wondering what happened to the Stratford Voice Web site that was hosted on this domain? Are they still going??:confused:
Is anyone doing this this year? I was thinking of doing the STratford one, no hills apparently - so that sounds like the best one to do. :D
Happy new year for tinight too! I'm going to try and remember it this year. :D
The Avon looks about two foot away from bursting it's banks at the moment, in some places it already has. Could be a wet start to the new year, I should be too drunk to care by then though. :D
Wow, the site has come on leaps and bounds since I was last here. Keep up the strong work!
I'm not so sure, many of these so called animal rights protestors seem to have as little regard for animals as the people hunting them. Many of them seem to think it's OK to be cruel to humans bt...
Are they serious? Have they watched the news recently?!
Wow, that's one of the most impressive dances I've ever seen! The guy looks suck a geek to start with too. :D
Here here! I'd say one of the worst things is how touristy the place is, and how locals are forced to pay tourist prices to go and see their local history!
I also think the lack of affordable...
Can't you post pictures here? You've already done it once. ;)
Thank you for your help guys, found someone now. :)
Hi all
Can anyone recommend a good all round window company
Had a quote this morning for nearly £6000 and i only live in a ground floor maisonette!
Heard so much bad stories about the usual...
And they say that sentencing is too lenient!
Welcome! It's funny, last week this site looked like it was dying on it's feet, and this week it's absolutely sprung to life. Brilliant!
Is it me or has nearly every single shop in Bell court closed down, or is in the process of closing down? Is this due to the place just not attracting customers, or is it because the rent is too...
Welcome to the forums BTW JonnyG!
I'd say it's very harsh, Stratford certainly isn't a dump. But it does lack severely in facilities of every kind, and the whole town philosophy seems to be so far behind in every way.
Look at how...
Grats Shizara. :)
Got the email, and thought I'd drop in. Site is looking very good, and I like the news section which is very handy. I'm going to come back tomorrow to add weight to the Stratford Bridge situation....