The Fuhrer is now threatening to ban X. former twitter.
Good luck with that Starmer , you can't kill democracy and stifle freedom speech!
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The Fuhrer is now threatening to ban X. former twitter.
Good luck with that Starmer , you can't kill democracy and stifle freedom speech!
I agree.
They want to start another political group , the silly billies. What will they call it, The independent Labour Party?:confused:
Yes. there will be . corruption in high places.
I can't understand how men in a good profession ruins their career for debase , filthy acts. It has been know that female teachers have had...
Why is it I have to subscribe to the Stratford Herald, when I want to read an article!
I hope you were compensated rebbonk. I think hey are pretty good like that.
I can't listen to his voice let alone his christmas message drivel. I don't listen to him
Yes Lex, Hell is a bottomless pit!
Crazy idea!
I wonder how much they will be paying the bus drivers for coming out for duty on New Years day
Not enough information. From what I gather, It seems the man was on his own in the flat, perhaps high on drugs/drink . Or perhaps he was posing threat to the police.
We had a very nice Turkey crown from Waitrose, very pleased with it.
I never shop at lIdl. nor buy meat from Tesco.
This is the reason I never frequent coffee shops , restaurants etc.. I have on the odd occasion gone into the Benjamin Satchwell with friends and family but I can count the number of times on...
Will we ever see our country get back to sanity and normality.
If you could turn back the clock, what year/century would you choose?
I hope she heals well.
I'm ok with that kind of food we eat on a regular bases, We have several choices of veggies. I don't mind nut roast , but that is used as a side serving .
I didn't realise figs were good for...
We generally don't get a lot of snow at Christmas.
I agree 100%.
I a sick and tired of their empty talk of pedestrianising the parade , I think that will be a disaster.
Plus cyclist are a pain the the xss. get in your way and negotiate their...
Good olde tyme pantos. I went to a production of The Wizard of Oz a few years back, and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.
Unfortunately we have Pantos of a different kind now in...
Christmas again, be safe, and ...
have a happy Christmas and good new year.
It's as well it is over the weekend and not working days. Although some folks do work on a Saturday, I think it is best to stay at home when it is like this.
Currently the wind here is 50 mph. ...
Has anyone seen the new Jaguar Ad?
It is totally bizarre featuring no Jaguar.
Poor soul , had enough of this government perhaps. RIP.
It is a sad marriage or partnership if they resort to abuse. For me personally as soon as that happens, the partnership is usually over and nothing to salvage.
But it is good that they have...
Well if its any consolation, Lex. Snow around here is usually short lived.
A hearse , A hearse, my Kingdom for a hearse!
Oops, that should be Horse. :o:p