Stratford council are going to massively hike up the prices of parking in Stratford again, in attempt to bully people into using their failing park & ride scheme which no-one uses. Can anyone...
Type: Posts; User: Sarah; Keyword(s):
Stratford council are going to massively hike up the prices of parking in Stratford again, in attempt to bully people into using their failing park & ride scheme which no-one uses. Can anyone...
I think we need to stop making it so easy for the rich to continually buy houses, so that the poor can't afford their own. There's enough houses out there already, but they're either owned by people...
Thought I'd throw in some more current affairs controversy. :)
Is Ruth Kelly brave for putting her son before her own principles ?
Is she not doing what any mother would do in her financial...
They've been talking about this on the radio, some people were saying they've been watching the full version of the hanging video taken on a mobile phone, over and over again. What is wrong with...
Could we read an extract? :)
Time we had a few current affairs topics on WO, and what could be more current then the execution of Saddam Hussain? I don't consider myself a liberal person particularly, but I don't believe in...
WOW! 200% better, it looks like a real website now! No offence (obviously you weren't happy with the previous designs either), but this design looks so much more professional and thought out then...
She was a wonderful wondeful women, and helped modernise the Royal Family. But she died ten years ago, and I'm sick to death of hearing about her, why is the story still getting so much coverage...
Great idea! I saw a programme about this on TV. Are you going to organise it WIll? :)
Local opinion doesn't matter, the decision for anything is always based on 'will it help us cram more tourists in the area?'
The announcement by the council was a frank admission that this was all...
Apparently the cask and bottle is being turned into a strip bar, probably with the idea of actually getting some people to go there. I hear they're going to call is the "Cas Bar", so it's clearly...
By far your best effort I must say, I see you've got rid of most of the annoying side bar too. ;)
Wekk Jenny Fradgley is a Stratford Council member on these committees.
The Council
Planning: West Area Planning Committee
Area Community Committees: Avon Area Community Committee
The plot...
I was just wondering if anyones seen anyone famous in Warks. I've seen quite a few in Stratford, I recently saw Neve Cambell in Stratford, I didn't realise how short she was though!
I should listen to my own words here....I've been looking at the site but not logging in and posting anything recently :o ....anyway, the sites gets and looks better all the time, I just can't...
Front. :)
After watching News this morning I can't get over the fact that some low-life deliberately kidnaps a neighbours dog and then tortures the poor thing for 3 days even cutting the poor things ear off....
Im thinking about extending my house with a conservatory.
Budgeting for about 7 - 8000 pounds.
But generally, how much would it put onto the value of the house?
Is it worth the investment?
I'd like to know more about this too. :)
I've just noticed they're finally going ahead with this. I don't use that road in the mornings, but I understand it get very congested. However, they seem to be destroying a lot of beautiful land...
I think that's true everywhere these days, I've never been much of a club girl myself, Clubs have always seemed very unsociable to me. Mayeb I just went to the wrong ones. :)
I love Shameless! I love it almost as much as No Angels. :D
Evolve? That's a new one on me, it's not that one at the bottom of the Parade is it? I used to know that as another name, if that's the one. Leamington seems a pretty good place to go out these...
Hi Tulips!,
Welcome to the forum! Ask Admin WIll if you have any problems, he's answered all my stupid questions. ;)
I'd really like to try paintballing actually, do you have to go in a group or can you just turn up and start shooting people? :)