I'm not one for spamming adverts and things but this one is a gem and is in my view essential for local communities, so I simply must tell you about a service that I've come across for community...
Type: Posts; User: optrex; Keyword(s):
I'm not one for spamming adverts and things but this one is a gem and is in my view essential for local communities, so I simply must tell you about a service that I've come across for community...
Thanks Shiz, you are a star ;)
why do people post email and phone numbers? If this were a more active forum you would be opeing up yourself to such a vast amount of spam its untrue.
vB forums have a mode of communication...
I love listening to test transmission of new stations. Surely they should be looking at DAB rather than FM?
Do they have a website kazhugs? It may be worth posting a link. I do like a good bag packer! It might be worth packing hte sowesters too ;)
This is becoming a theme on here. I hope to be chch bound by August ;)
oops, its not easy working on the PTA of a school where its not supported by other parents. I am currently involved in 2 PTA's at both ends of the spectrum. You have my sympathies.
nice recommnedations, I might just give it a try - thank you.
Possibly, but I would like to see the average consumer try to boycott chinese products. Who's to say the Chinese aren't right in their approach anyway, just because we dont agree with it?
If we...
yes cos the oldest is 18
also the youngest at 14 can be left on her own ( without the 18 year old being around) but is not able to supervise anyone
:D Its done automatically from the date which you use to register on the forum. No-one else should take credit for it, but you - for using the correct date when signing up ;)
Glad you had a nice...
Cold and wet (rain) atm. Possibility of snow across high ground in west, sw, and nw
Enjoy the maggots in the summer won't you ;)
6 nor me
rolls of film? Do people still use that?
I would have thought if film was still being used, it would be the E6 variety for clarity and punch :)
...my stalker ? :p
Free parking then! :D
I would have thought that would make the citizens and traders of Warwick happy for a bit.
....apparently not though, it seems.
was it any good?
Oh no not another mop thread :confused:
There seems to be a lot of NZ connections on this forum.
play some songe because they were still bored! He gathered
rapid fire
is this still going - lol
Tiff its from google maps. You can also see the same in google earth.
bye will
Willow is a very weak wood and broken branches are a continual hazard.
The trees can go right back to the trunk and will still grow back and form a good canopy. Its all part of good tree...