rebbonk, I hope you didn't have sugar in your coffee as it makes a sticky mess on a keyboard. ;-)
Type: Posts; User: Shizara; Keyword(s):
rebbonk, I hope you didn't have sugar in your coffee as it makes a sticky mess on a keyboard. ;-)
Wheelie bins, we have had some escorted away under the cover of darkness. Mine has gone a couple of times and once the bin was full. You do wait what seems an eternity for a replacement and that...
Boggles the mind, it certainly isn't clever. The barriers are there for a reason and they come with flashing lights and warning bells. Yet, some choose to take the risk. Why? To save a few minutes?...
Hand bell
Ahhh... I like that. Reminds me of one of the harbours in Auckland, NZ. Waitemata Harbour which has a few translations including 'sparkling waters' because the water is said to glint like volcanic...
I tried the Google search too and when nothing turned up I thought, maybe, just maybe, someone might know so thought I would ask the question. Thank you for searching.
Minimum wage
Out of interest, what is the history of the name Sherbourne as in the Park/Road etc? I know names have changed over the years/decades/centuries but was simply curious as to the origins of Sherbourne...
Rather like those that wish to watch a tidal wave coming in.
Great person
I have my 24" tree up. No effort required there as it has fibre optic lighting and the decorations stay on it all year. I just put it in a plastic bag - a recycled many times bag - and lift it out...
Said agreement
Sooo, they have all these vehicles that don't comply, amongst all the other questions, who pays for the green scheme should they be in that area?
Rubber band
Donald Duck
Mine came on at 17:00 and I went to one of the radiators... Oooh, warmies.
All I can say is.... Hmmm.
No Morrisons within walking distance around here. Will need to find another way of doing something.
Trump card