I agree Lex, sure they may have a tough job (although we only have thier word for that), but so do plenty of other people who don't get half of what they do.
Type: Posts; User: Olive; Keyword(s):
I agree Lex, sure they may have a tough job (although we only have thier word for that), but so do plenty of other people who don't get half of what they do.
I'd say both those shootings are a case for the police not being able to shoot people full stop.
Hi Leo,
What is Coventry in general like to live in? I've always been led to believe it's very run down, but I've got be honest and say I've never been to have a look for myself. How big is it...
Hmm, the cars sound like they've been chaved up, sounds like boy racers to me. Stealing a car like this would be like stealing from one of their own. I see more and more of these sad little boys...
Ohh Nuneton/Bedworth too. :)
I think definately yes for the bigger tows such as Stratford, Leamington/Warwick, Rugby & Kenilworth.
Hello all you new people! It's great to see new faces appearing already, here's to Forum Admin Will and his non-spamming ways. :D
What's everyone doing for St. Paddy's day? I'm going to Manchester for the weekend, I'm very excited as I've never been there before and I can't wait to see what it's like.
Thank you for the rplies guys, keep em coming!
I'm going to have a night out in Leamington soon to test the waters, so to speak. I'll be sure to try out your suggestions, any excuse to try out a...
I like knowing what everyone is reading. I'm currently reading 'Anansi Boys' by Neil Gaiman, who is absolutely my favourite author. I'm also sad though, because once I've read it, I'll have read...
Can anyone advise me which reasonably priced printer is best to print my digital photos.
I have an Epson cz3200 at the present time but always having paper loading problems and so I want to...
Hello to you both!
I really like the idea of this site, let's hope it works out as I think it would be wonderful. I'll let my friends know about it and hopefully they'll come and join too. :)
There's a new David Attenbourough series starting tonight called 'Planet Earth', I love nature programmes and can't wait to see it. Anybody else going to be watching it?
Hi Everyone,
I know this is a new site, so I'm not expecting an immediate responce. But I'm hopefully moving to Leamington soon, and I was wondering if anyone knew of some good bars and clubs? ...