View Full Version : Astley Book Farm

11-06-2020, 12:32 PM

Looks like an interesting book shop to visit.
How far is Astley Farm book shop from Bedworth? Do you need a car to get there?


11-06-2020, 02:59 PM
Not come across this one, Margaret.

Yes, I think you'd need transport, it's quite a way out. IIRC they used to have a market there a few years ago. I seem to remember buying some cookware when we first moved in here.

11-06-2020, 03:18 PM
If you're interested in a secondhand bookshop with a difference, Margaret, I heartily recommend Gosford Books by Coventry University. - A 5-minute walk from the centre of Coventry.

The owner can be a little grumpy, but I could browse there for hours. I've had some wonderful books from there in the past, and they weren't particularly expensive.

If you just want older books then Amazon or Abe books are as good as anywhere. If you like browsing bookshops then Bourton On The Water was always a good place to visit. There were a few interesting stops on the way as well.

Knowing people who do house clearances can also be advantageous. I bought a set of very old Shakespeare works for my brother for £20. They were worth substantially more. The guy that sold them to me was going to break them to mount the plates! - Sacrilege!

11-06-2020, 03:40 PM
Brilliant thank you Rebbonk, it is very interesting to read about your experience at Gosford Books, Coventry University. It sound very interesting, and shall be far easier for us to get to.

Many thanks.

11-06-2020, 03:44 PM
Bourton On The Water also sounds interesting. A bit further, but maybe get there one day.

11-06-2020, 05:31 PM
We used to do Bourton quite regularly on a Sunday afternoon. I used to encourage Mrs R to browse in the clothes and homeware shops whilst I'd wander around the bookshops.

I often picked up a few bargains, but usually ended up buying a chip-shop supper to placate her. - She hated books with a vengeance and was always making me thin my collection. I must have given hundreds of books to charity shops over the years.