View Full Version : Exercise.

02-08-2019, 05:07 PM
How much exercise are we getting, do you go to the gym, or like to go walking, or swimming?

02-08-2019, 06:19 PM
I walk for about an hour and a half each day (2*45 minutes) with the dog.

02-08-2019, 06:29 PM
I do a 15-20 minute walk during my lunch break every day, plus a 30 minute walk round my local area 2-3 times a week. I also spend an hour or 2 on my allotment 2 or 3 times a week.

03-08-2019, 03:52 PM
That's great, you both keep very active. I'm outdoors a lot in the summer doing gardening, I mainly do a two mile walk with my friend once or twice a week. When I go shopping I will walk into town, but not every time. My friend also does aqua exercises at the local swimming pool, but I don't fancy doing that as I have heard people can pick up germs from the pool water and the chlorine can irritate the eyes.

03-08-2019, 05:49 PM
I am active Margaret, but could do with losing a bit of weight. Walking to the pub helps, but what I consume once there doesn't. :)

03-08-2019, 05:56 PM
I am active Margaret, but could do with losing a bit of weight. Walking to the pub helps, but what I consume once there doesn't. :)

That's the trouble, it is hard to shed the calories when we get older. But I still have a little of what I fancy. :p

04-08-2019, 09:07 AM
I remember the last time I used Strarford's swimming pool, Margaret; I was ill for a week afterwards.