View Full Version : Sale of Council House to Fund New Property

08-12-2016, 05:38 PM
At least the money is being used to generate income for the concil@ http://www.nuneaton-news.co.uk/money-made-from-council-house-sale-to-be-reinvested/story-29962157-detail/story.html

11-12-2016, 12:19 AM
I would be more pleased if the money was used to build more houses with a fair rent for people on the waiting list..
Who would buy this building though. It is quite magnificent inside, lots of marble and stuff.
Did it say where the new council building will be, and what it would cost. It may be cheaper to stay where they are.
Another point; how long have people who live in old persons council bungalows been able to purchase these homes?.
There is such a shortage of them in the area.I'm a bit out of touch with NBC at the moment

19-05-2017, 05:23 PM
Looks like the deal's finally going through: http://www.nuneaton-news.co.uk/deal-is-close-for-future-of-council-house-in-nuneaton/story-30340030-detail/story.html