View Full Version : Ants in your pant-ry

19-07-2016, 06:37 AM
I seem to have had an invasion of ants getting in, and I discovered their entrance route through a crack under the window sill , they are coming in their droves. So not being prepared with any deterrent I sellotaped up the cracks all along under the sill which stopped them in their tracks and trapped them. My husband bought some Nippon, and Raid which we put outside along the edges of the kitchen and patio door etc.. and just to finish the job , I even put a dusting of hot chilli powder all round the edges and cracks outside. Woke up this morning and they have all but gone. I shall keep a close watch incase they sneak back. I noticed too that there are a lot of flying ants at the moment.

19-07-2016, 08:37 AM
I noticed a few flying ants Sunday evening whilst walking the dog.

In a past home I was troubled by ants and used copious amounts of Nippon. The ants brought out their dead and left a massive pile of bodies not far from the entrance to what I assumed was the nest. I never did eradicate the nest; still, that's the ex-wife's problem now.