View Full Version : New minimum wage

01-04-2016, 11:38 PM
What a farce this is.
Again the Tories are spending-how much of our money ? advertising this rubbish to make us believe we will all be better off, when all it will do is put more people out of work.
Employers of small businesses who cannot afford to pay the extra money will reduce staff or close down.
For example,my grandchild goes to nursery school which is £70.00 per day. They get 15 hours free per week which sounds a lot. but if parents must work to just get by,its a heck of a lot of money to pay out.With this new minimum wage nurseries are cutting staff and raising daily fees. After - school clubs will put up prices too so we all lose.
Defending the cost of nurseries; I worked in day nurseries for years long ago and it is damned hard and responsible work to look after kids and do it properly.
Other small businesses will follow suit, factories and shops too.
And yet.......who was it who said the masses of immigrants haven't made a difference? I can't remember, but I do know many immigrant families in Coventry who pay no fees for their children at nurseries, and make no secret of it. They expect it as their right.
Also who said they must be able to speak English-or at least learn it? I can't remember who said that either-but the law is nor enforced. I know of one very nice immigrant family -been here 2 years - with two nursery age children where only the 11 year old big brother speaks English, and translates for them all.
I don't blame them.I suppose in their situation-maybe dire straits before arriving -we'd do the same.
Another thing ---different subject --whilst I'm at it;
I'd like to know how much our council's levy per metre floor space is for builders in Coventry. I have heard on good authority they are allowed to charge so much for every square metre of floor space for all new builds which, includes university accommodation.

Bedfordshire charges £60.00 per metre floor space which they can do as they like with.With this new regulation many builders cannot afford to build as payment is expected when application plans are put in. If they do build the extra cost goes on to the buyers of new houses. So much for affordable housing.
By my reckoning and if the council stopped their Southern French Jollys, the budget shortcoming in Coventry could be solved.
That's my rant for tonight folks.

Where are all the women?

02-04-2016, 06:30 PM
I feel sorry for the people who were already earning the new minimum wage. They were earning more than £6.50 p/h as the skill required for their jobs attracted more money. Now, less skilled people are earning the same as them, and I doubt many of them will get a pay rise.

02-04-2016, 07:48 PM
It's a difficult balance.

On one hand you want people to have a reasonable standard of living, on the other hand you don't want to price your goods/services out of the market due to high labour costs.

History has shown that in the main, government interference is a bad thing. - Though we don't want to back to the days of strikes every 5 minutes.