View Full Version : Aldi to Create 35,000 Jobs

10-11-2014, 06:19 PM
I wonder how many of our Unemployed Yoofs will apply for the jobs? I'll be putting money on Aldi having to draft people in from eastern Europe: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29992587

10-11-2014, 07:45 PM
Are they sustainable jobs though?
Can people keep body and soul together on a minimum wage. A lot of the jobs seem to get swallowed by mothers/women taking up a part-time job with the husband working elsewhere.

11-11-2014, 11:12 PM
I wonder how many of our Unemployed Yoofs will apply for the jobs? I'll be putting money on Aldi having to draft people in from eastern Europe: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29992587

You were right,
'They'll all get housing etc etc, and cost the country more than if they gave our people a living wage.£6,00 odd an hour-12 hours a day may be ok if in their own country ,one week's wage here is worth 6 weeks or more back there.So they'll need benefits--from us. Our unemployed 'youffs' as you call them cannot afford to do that job.They wouldn't qualify for the benefits. And what chance would anyone working 12 hours a day have time to look for a better job.It's a conspiracy to keep us 'down. (continuation of what I wrote about Farage elsewhere on this site)
I despair at the logic.

12-11-2014, 05:28 PM
My view is that our benefits system has gone astray. These were originally designed to provide a subsistence living until the claimant got another job. Sadly, politicians and civil servants - mostly of the Labour persuasion - piled up more and more benefits, making looking for a job not worth the bother.

12-11-2014, 05:42 PM
It certainly has gone astray Lex. It was always meant as a safety net, not a lifestyle choice. As I always say, it's for the needy, not the idle, feckless or greedy.

Unfortunately, politicians have used the benefits system in a corrupt attempt to hang onto power. Had we adopted the rule that you (or your parents) had to contribute for a minimum of 5 years before you got a single penny out then we might not be in the mess we're in now. That would stop those coming to the country for benefits and would also stop families of having generations of non workers.

I actually believe that the system we had in the 60s worked far better than what we have now.