View Full Version : Wefare Aid- Food Banks

16-04-2014, 12:48 PM
I've just been watching the news and heard about the rise in the use of the Food Banks. Its gone from supporting 300,000 people last year to over 1 million people this year. This is a reflection of the austerity of our economy and the restrictions placed on vulnerable people by the Government's Benefit re-organisation. The people shown are not work shy but seriously compromised. Esta Mcvey, the woman employed by the Government for that benefit reform made a blanket statement that they are doing what is right in getting people back into work and off benefits. She seemed oblivious to the plight of seriously poor people. Perhaps she ought to do a few days in one of these Food banks and meet the people who are affected. She may then have a slightly less black and white and a more balanced opinion of what is right. I feel quite guilty for looking forward to our Spatched chicken dinner tonight, it has made me think and I will look at doing a stint in one of these places perhaps.

16-04-2014, 03:27 PM
It is nothing short of scandalous! We ought not be sending a penny piece abroad in foreign aid whilst we have such poverty in this country. But, don't expect any sympathy from proven liars like IDS with his irresponsible welfare 'reforms'.

Nobody in this country ought be left without enough money for the basics that they need. The reason that IDS was given the green light to virtually criminalise the poor was because of the press reporting a few cases of benefit fraud. There is far more money lost within the benefits system due to incompetence, mismanagement and general malaise than will ever be taken via fraud. Claiming benefits is not easy, nor is it a nice experience.

As for McVey, frankly I have always thought (and still do) that she is a bit thick.

16-04-2014, 11:33 PM
Yes, Rebbonk on all you say. Mcvey is to me some one who is in post because she's a' yes ' person and she's ' star 'struck.
We went to the pub tonight while the chuck roasted and had a very interesting discussion on all of this. Some one said that the Red Cross had been given a load of new duvets so they put out an alert to people in need to come and get them. Some bloke turned up in his Mercedes and asked for 8. It was soon discovered he is a property tycoon who has a place he was kitting out and filling up with vulnerable people he was claiming rent from from their new found housing benefit. He isn't illegal in what he did but I would say he is imoral. Do those duvets belong to him or the people he is getting them for? ( ie-are they paying for them in their 'rent' and if they damage/soil them is he charging them for them?)