View Full Version : Jessops financial scandal

23-02-2013, 11:26 PM
I see that Jessops are in the red for £80 million , 28.7million of which is owed to HSBC, and to canon, £16.4,million for wages..etc,etc,etc.
I cannot understand why the banks and suppliers, both kept on lending and supplying if they were not being paid back. They should have known that being big doesn't mean a thing these days. yet they are not lending to the new people. Perhaps that's why. They have no money left.
I suppose that's what happens in business, but surely, If everything is all on credit then these big companies dont own ther so called businesses.
Customers at Jessops who left deposits on goods in December are owed £200,000. and didn't get them and for those who signed up for the new academy courses in December-due to start in January- are owed £2183.000, and the £869,000 worth of gift cards are useless.
Now-where is the money.
Someone has it stashed This is criminal and happens all the time.
It's time this crappy government stopped messing about and came down heavily on all this, and got the nmoney back,and imprisoned the perpetrators. They'd be down like a shot on the small man.

Dun Scotus
24-02-2013, 08:05 AM
HSBC has recently been fined nearly 2 billion dollars, that is BILLIONS.
A number of things need to be said here. The first is the city of London is now more or less an open and unregulated sewer for drug money and the cartels. HSBC was fined for money laundering Mexican drug cartel money.
There is practially no regulation of the city of London by the useless british regulators and so we are reliant for the criminals to be kept in place by US regulators.
Remember that we also have the most savage anti money laundering laws in the world for the little guy and small businesses where you can go to prison for the smallest breach but the banks and politicos, corpoorate types etc can do what they like.
The American authorities said that the HSBC case was one of the worst and most flagrant and criminal conspiracies they have ever dealt with. When you consider that these are the people that dealt with people like Al Capone and organized crime in the 1930's, it makes you start to think a bit.
Anyone that has a stomach for it on youtube can see what the Mexican drug lords get up to. They not only execute people in their hundreds, they leave their severed heads as warning to others , including one young lady called Maria Macias, whose was a campaigner againsts them and whom they dismembered.
I wrote to the head or former head of HSBC if he was content to have run a criminal enterprise that was involved in mass murder - unsurprisingly, he didn't reply.
What the banks are getting up to is so vile and disgusting as to almost defy belief yet not one of them will see the inside of a prison.
How long can any system last where its most basic code has so clearly broken down?
C.S. Lewis once said, that sometimes the evil in society becomes so powerful that we are virtually forced into protesting as loudly as possible against it however there is little chance of success.
That seems to me the postion we have now reached in the abominable times in which we now live and to rally all decent minded people against the lawless power crazed people that control our society.