View Full Version : Law student raped after being turfed off bus because she was 20p short of the fare

11-06-2012, 02:52 PM
What sort of jobsworth b***! throws a teenage girl off his bus at 3am for the want of 20p, and why in heavens name didn't one of the other passengers pay while she was pleading with the heartless driver for 8 minutes?

What a tragic set of circumstances.

11-06-2012, 03:02 PM
I think it's a very sad reflection of how this country has gone.

The heart has been ripped out of communities by imbecilic politicians (of all colours and for their own selfish ends) and we have become a very selfish "me, me, me" society.

The world around me is nothing like the one I grew up in and look back on with affection. Frankly, I'm often ashamed at what we've let this dustbin of a country become.

11-06-2012, 05:17 PM
I absolutely agree. My own son at 16 was turfed off a bus or rather he was refused the journey because he'd got off his train very late at night from college and didn't have enough money to get the bus which completed the journey to his digs. The bus was empty but still making its last run that night.He told the driver the company would be able to collect funds from us if he would issue and IOU type of thing but still he ended up walking in pitch darkness 5 miles. I wrote a letter to the bus company telling them they do have a duty of care with all passengers but especially with a minor. None the less they slid out of an apology. This country has gone to rats.

12-06-2012, 01:41 AM
Things haven't changed much regarding buses you know . When Iwas young , about mmmmmm years ago, I worked at the Warnford hospital - long gone now-- in Leamington. One night I missed the last bus back from Coventry. The only alternative was a Kenilworth bus which finished there but went to Leamington empty, after shedding it's passengers. I asked if he'd drop me off and he said no- not in the rule book. OK I said - I'll walk from Kenilworth. I got off by the Church, and it was dark, very black. I started to walk and it was more scary when I got to the outskirts- no street lights.
Every time a car came I dodged into the bushes . Eventually a police car passed and they came back to ask what the hell I thought I was doing-- gave me a real telling off.They stopped the next car that came along and asked them to give me a lift after taking their particulars- warned me again and said goodnight and dont do it again..
I was so relieved. but not only that --the person who gave me a lift was Randolph Turpin their famous boxer.
I was on such a high when I got back I didn't even care that I was caught sneaking in to the nursing home after doors were locked and got grounded for being late.
He was a hero!

13-06-2012, 09:28 AM
Well- its a sorry state of affairs that people can be so dumb that they can't use common sense anymore. When I say people I aim that term loosely at these sort of bus drivers and anyone else who can't think outside the box and apply considered thought. You were lucky Cathidaw and had a bonus gift in one hit but that poor girl and many like her have not been so lucky. As a country we should be well ashamed and I do hope the bus company and this driver are well and truely taken to task on this one.

13-06-2012, 10:33 AM
I don't mean to brag but I have helped out a couple of times when someone hasn't had the right change on the bus. A few years back, I helped out a chap who didn't have enough change and because it was early morning the driver couldn't change a ten pound note, and the man wanted to get to work. I can see he was getting frustrated to I gave him a £1 toward the small change he had enough to make up for his journey. He was most grateful.
Another time I gave a girl 50p to help her out on the bus. Some of these drivers can be so miserable but not all of them. I have experienced good and bad bus drivers, some are very kind and helpful , others are can be pig headed. One day I was rushing to catch the bus and carrying heavy shopping in both hands, I just reached the doors and the driver closed them , right there and then in front of my face, you can imagine the rude words I had for him! I mean, I'm no spring chicken, and when I am on a bus I do get up and offer an older person a seat if she/he is standing.

13-06-2012, 03:58 PM
My friend made me laugh. She always goes out for the odd item and comes home with bags full. One day she rushed to the bus just as he, the driver started to close the doors. She had slung one carrier of shopping up the step as the doors closed. I think she had planned it as she was sick of these drivers trying to be clever at our expense. He had to open the door. She took her time and told him what she thought of him and bus drivers in general. Everyone clapped-- well nearly everyone. Always the odd one isn't there !

I believe there is a special school to train mean drivers.

17-06-2012, 12:59 PM
Perhaps its more a sign of our times. People's lives are often empty of good things but so full of the stressful and menial things. If this is your lot driving back and forth everyday from A to get to B and life holds little future to change it then I think I may be a bit off hand sometimes if it was my lot. Especially with some members of the general public who are devoid of decent common curtousy. If even just one of these is on your route most days -that would take any pleasure away. I don't think those drivers you are talking about had any business being blatantly rude like that though. That is control freak behaviour too. Good on your freind Cathidaw.

18-06-2012, 07:50 PM
Whilst there is no excuse for bad and unreasonable behaviour staff in these positions often have pressure heaped upon them with regard to revenue and sometimes it becomes part of company performance procedures. They also find themselves subject to abuse by a few passengers. There will always be people, for one reason or another that handle situations badly and they need to be encouraged to take a different approach. On the other hand the majority of passengers are reasonable but there is always someone ready to argue, intimidate staff and generally be obnoxious. These are not to be confused with those in a genuine set of circumstances. I am amazed at the number of people who wave a £20 note for a very small fare, yet you have already spotted change there, in fact I recently saw someone try and buy coffee with a £50 note. This makes it awkward for staff who will invariably have a float, however it isn't inexhaustible and from time to time public transport is treated by a small percentage as a mobile bank for all their change needs. Of course, this is digressing from the topic originally posted. Whilst passengers have a responsibility to pay their way on public transport which is run as a business not a charity, equally, a bit of discretion is required.