View Full Version : Islam

Bob question mark
03-05-2009, 11:25 AM
Should we ban Islam in our country and close down all mosques?

Is the BNP right to call this Religion EVIL ?


7/7 Bombings in our country & 9/11 in Amercia

Residents living in our country killing Soldiers who are defending civilised people aboard and stopping terror attacks on our nation.

Friday .......Human rights groups have protested against the execution on Friday of a young Iranian woman for a murder committed when she was 17 years old by her brother.

Comments removed due to complaints of inciting racial hatred - Will

God Bless Great Britain

03-05-2009, 11:48 PM
What are you saying??????????
Trying to stir up more trouble? want another Iraq? That is what it would mean if we Quote removed - Will as you mention.Can't just go there and bring them out.
It may be cliched to say there is good and bad in every country,but it's true. Look at the dreadful things that happen here, executed by our indiginous people.
Ban the Muslims?-close the mosques ?what next . These people have become part of our culture over the past 50 or so years. Most of them born here-so doesn't that make them British?. They don't belong anywhere else.What would you do in their cases- put them allon boats and let them sail forever outside the 3 mile limits of every country until they are all dead.?
Talk like that is what causes problems and incites the vulnerable, the weak, and-shall I say, idiots --to cause unrest and trouble here.
I may have misread the meaning of your letter, if so I apologise.
God bless Great Britain ,a peaceful one .

04-05-2009, 10:37 PM
No goodness, what ever are you saying? Mohammed was The Prophet, ackowledged by the Bible which in turn ackowledges Mohammed. We should find the way to acknowledge each belief/culture/religeon as was written in both books. Salam Alek em(forgive my spelling etc phonetics!), God bless You. Read More and speak more-perhaps listen, that will help. :)

05-05-2009, 12:53 PM
A couple of points I need to make here.

I woke up this morning to find a letter from Warwickshire Police asking me to remove this thread because it may be construed as inciting racial hatred. While I strongly believe in free speech, no matter how deplorable I may find people's comments. I have a choice of either going to court or removing the comments I believe are deemed offencive. I was asked to remove the entire post, but I'm checking now with the police to see if simply removing the comments I have is an acceptable compromise.

I do not agree with having to remove people's opinions (no matter how much I may disagree with them), but the law forces me to censor comments of this type. My reason being that I believe discussion of these issues are important, but cannot be conducted under censorship. I would ask that the person who has complained if they are reading, to consider stepping forward anonymously and airing your views. I do not believe that censoring people like Bob Dhillon will make them change their views, in fact I think it will only make them more determined to stand by them.

Having said that, there is a correct way and an incorrect way to air your views. I agree that the comments removed were intended to be offencive, and little more. In future, if you wish to comment on such issues Bob, please do not use racially offencive name calling, no matter how minor it may seem to you.

Warwickshireonline.com DOES NOT support religious or racial intolerance in any way. It may be that Warwickshire Police insist I remove this whole thread, if they do I will have no choice but to comply.

Finally, please stop starting threads in the 'Warwickshire and Leamington' forum, that have nothing to do with Warwickshire and Leamington, but are in fact national issues. This thread has been moved.

05-05-2009, 01:08 PM
Oh and in reply to your questions. No we shouldn't ban, no we shouldn't close down the mosques. No, the BNP is wrong to call Islam evil, as the BNP is wrong about most things.

05-05-2009, 09:44 PM
No goodness, what ever are you saying? Mohammed was The Prophet, ackowledged by the Bible which in turn ackowledges Mohammed. We should find the way to acknowledge each belief/culture/religeon as was written in both books. Salam Alek em(forgive my spelling etc phonetics!), God bless You. Read More and speak more-perhaps listen, that will help. :)

Gladys I'm with you on this all the way.
And Will, yes I think you were right in removing that 'message' and also my comments. I must admit I was surprised to see it on WOL.at all.
And I don't want to see you in clink.)
Airing views is one thing but airing views with malicious intent is a completely different ball game. How did it slip through?
I believe in free speech , this is supposed to be a free country, and things do change , and we moan about those changes all the time -I know I do-but it is a fine country and this sort of rubbishy talk taints it.
The police were right to intervene-they know how things escalate . It doesn't take much to fan the flames of hatred. This fellow Dhillon will use any soapbox to get his message through.
I am wondering what nationality he is.The name does not sound very English, Welsh, Scots , or Irish to me although there are a few of that name about.

05-05-2009, 10:43 PM
Bob Dhillon, baby play as you may, Islam is a good and sound way of life as is christianity and jewdism. All 3 books are intertwined; all with love of God and paths to a good lif a family life- mapped. I think , if you hold on to your anger, perhaps if you read any of these books they will show you a way to heal. Allah be praised, God have mercy and may your God forgive you. :)

05-05-2009, 11:57 PM
I want to add to my earlier comments that Budhism and all other beliefs are reliant on the same good foundation of ' do unto others as you would have unto yourself ' Basically Kindness and love will win through. I didn't mean to exclude other religeons or beliefs. We as higher beings should rise above all evil- lowering ourselves to that; that is lowly in what ever guise it comes. :)

06-05-2009, 11:20 AM
The email address is identical to the Warwick District councillor one, that's all I will say.

06-05-2009, 09:29 PM
Better I think to open it up and shame- go to the papers, let everyone know who exactly sits in thier ' interest' with his own agenda! I think if his attitude was an ill thought moment, by now he would have popped up and apologised- none such! Time to speak out. Will what do you think? :(

06-05-2009, 09:41 PM
I'm not in a position to encourage people to do this. But of course members here are free to act as they please. Although, I have to say there is at least some evidence that although it is undoubtably his email address, it is unlikely a Tory Councillor would speak out in support of the BNP.

I have contacted the email address in question in an attempt to get at the bottom of this. If it turns out that someone is using his email address to register here, that still raises some pretty serious concerns in my opinion, in terms of security.

06-05-2009, 11:06 PM
I agree with all you say except I do wonder why if this is misappropriated use of an official email address, why higher advice hasn't jumped in. It poses a security risk to all Counsellors and MPs after all. I'm sure The Warwickshire Police department dealing with this are already on to it. I hope so anyway.:)

06-05-2009, 11:44 PM
I have had a reply from the email address I contacted. I don't think I explained clearly enough that you cannot register under his email address, unless you have access to it. I have sent another letter better explaining how it works, and that if he is not responsible for the above comments, then there is an urgent need to review the security of office.

He has asked that I change the name of Bob Dhillon, as he says it's not him who's writing this. Under the circumstances I will have to give him the benefit of the doubt. Should I find evidence to the contrary, the name will be restored. Everyone here is most likley aware of how it displeases me when my forum is manipulated, I intend to get to the bottom of this.

08-05-2009, 09:08 PM
..... I'm sure The Warwickshire Police department dealing with this are already on to it. I hope so anyway.:)

I hope they do a better job of it than was done with the individual who was drunk, threatened and abused me for not opening my door to him - a total stranger - late at night, leaving behind what can only be described as criminal damage with regard to the door.

08-05-2009, 10:02 PM
This is an excellent forum and of much value to the genuine users. Whilst opinions are welcome as we can all learn much from the thoughts of others, any abuse of the priviledge of being part of this community should not be tolerated.

This country, like most, is multicultural and has been for a very, very long time. Whilst it is true that in one sense it waters down what is considered Britishness, the kind of society we are today is different to that of our grandparents and generations long gone, however, the essence of it remains as other cultures have come into Britain and their beliefs, activities and behaviour become part of today's world. It does add new facets to our way of life, much like the facets of a diamond.

Religious and racial intolerance has caused much misery for people in the past and it will continue to do so, but it doesn't make it right. Most societies have those that are listening to the beat of a different drum and not necessarily for the same reasons. This fractures society and sometimes it is difficult to heal the wounds.

Will, you have done the right thing in removing that which might cause you to be on the wrong side of what seems to be our over the top politically correct world and we can appreciate your feelings on the matter.

Sharing views and being offensive to others are worlds apart. One incites shared thoughts from others that can have a positive effect. The other - being offensive - does not belong in civilised society.

.... I'll get off my soapbox now ....

09-05-2009, 10:12 AM
Shizara, are you alright? What a terrible thing to have happened. I hope you are fortunate in having the support of 'good neighbours' and this reflects what you say. Society must be tolerant and respectful of each facet within it and better more demonstrate the 'milk of human kindness' in a caring, respectful awareness of the individuals it is comprised of. Shame to the pondlife that was a complete creep to you, sad in his lack of decency not only in the lack of his consideration towards you but in his complete lack of his own self respect. Be respectful, do unto others as you would etc- all religeons have these at thier core. Even without a religeous belief, they are the basis on which we should all aim to live by. Keep safe. :)

09-05-2009, 10:31 AM
Nods, am fine. It was a few years back now but every now and again I still get annoyed by it, especially as he got away without even paying for the door and without even an anonymous apology for the behaviour. Yet, if I subscribed to any of the behaviour that is the topic of this thread I would likely be hauled up before the courts and leave with a criminal record.

09-05-2009, 11:17 AM
It would surface now and again because of the potential dangers you encountered and also because as you say, the sheer lack of disregard for you and your home. Its traumatising and simply not on. I hope that individula has met his just desserts- karma etc. :)