View Full Version : Disappointed, Disappointed, Disappointed..

11-01-2008, 08:13 PM
After having most of my flat decorated I decided it was time to replace the very worn out sofa suite that I had so the old one went before the decorating started to give the lads room to move. Weeks later a sofa suite arrives. The delivery blokes bring it in and put the squabs on it then depart.

Being a typical woman I moved the furniture around until I was happy with where it was and noticed a bit of white. Thought.. hmm ... then investigated it further. I didn't like what I was seeing and removed the squabs. To my horror and disappointment the zip at the back was completely split open and the material was ripped where it would appear someone had tried to pull the sides together again. I then checked the rest and found to my dismay other zips that were also splitting apart. Seriously, I was starting to wonder if I should have bought one from Argos.

Have phoned the store concerned. They wish to inspect it but that can't be done for a week or so. The plan is to send in someone to repair it. Hmm... they run mobile zip replacement services too?

Will keep you posted out the outcome.

11-01-2008, 11:34 PM
Please -please do not accept a repair. Ask them to collect this suite and say that you want your money back-(or if you dont want the money back but another suite, tell them.) I'd have my money back and then decide what to do with it.
Legally they have to give you money back for anything which is not fit for it's intended purpose. If it is split, or the zips are broken or faulty no amount of inspecting will alter the fact that it will be a 'second' or ' repaired' item.
If they argue go to Trading Standards -tell the shop you are going, too.the number is in the book.
I had a business and am well aware of the trading laws, which protect both the shop and the shopper.
They too will be aware, but always try it on. The shop is responsible to their customer-- for the goods they sell,. not the manufacturer.
They will get in touch with the wholesalers later but that is notyour problem.
4 years ago I bought a suite too and waited 5 weeks to get it delivered-Iknew it would take that long as it was ordered from Belgium by a local store. When it came and the delivery men had gone, I realised that it was the wrong colour. Iphoned the store and they told me that they could not change it as I had accepted it, Iargued that the wrappers had been on and the men went quickly, but they still said no. Iwent to the shop with my order. Matte Blue it said -not squeaky shiny black like a doctors couch. Then they said the salesman who sold it to me had left and there was nothing they could do, and they cleared off and completely ignored me.I hung around for about an hourand accosted them again about my suite and mentioning trading standards every time a new customer came in and looked at furniture etc. until they got so fed up with me they listened. And-------guess what, the salesman who sold it to me came back from lunch as Istood in the shop.
I had to wait anothe 5 weeks but Igot what I had ordered

12-01-2008, 08:29 PM
What a nightmare, sorry to hear that Shiz.

Cathi is right on all counts, I think I'd do the same thing.

13-01-2008, 07:12 AM

Sorry, just realized it is not a term used in this part of the world. It is the part you sit on and can remove and the back area which can also be removed.

If you go to:

Picasa Web Albums - CrystalFire - 2008 Shoddy Sofa (http://picasaweb.google.com/CrystalFire/2008ShoddySofa)

It seems mind boggling that I didn't see that vast expanse of white when the 2 very efficient and quick delivery blokes were here. - All bits of white are where the stitching or zipper is faulty and the inner padding is exposed. Each item was plastic wrapped. I thought it was the course of wisdom to photograph each fault that I found.

I will follow your advice and let you know of the outcome.

03-01-2009, 10:14 PM
Hi Everyone, I want to share this with you because it is funny but sad- if you're a Hamste! We met our friends tonight at our local. They have a hairdressing salon. They recounted the following sceanario- i laughed so loud, it was frightening.
John welcomed his lady but was slightly concerned by the jar she brought with her. There in lay a 'stiff' hamster on his back. He asked why this was and she explained that she'd bought it 3 weeks earlier from a pet shop for a grandchild. She reported that it was happily running round it's wheel yesterday but suddenly today it went 'a... over h..ls and legs up.' He asked why she had brought it with her and she said, 'I paid by credit card and I'm taking it back to the petshop because it's faulty, under the creditcard agreements stuff, I can have a full refund or a replacement.Faulty goods' he reflected back to her and she confirmed this. He then retreated for a 'coffee' break. She later phoned to let him know as he'd shown such concern, that the petshop said to her that he must have 'pined' and died of being sad- he died peacefully . They told her they could tell. She bought another one!!!!John and Steve are now waiting to hear whether the new one is 'faulty'! :D:clapping::p