View Full Version : New Look Royal Shakespeare Theatre

11-03-2007, 02:15 PM
I actually think it's not too bad, it just gets let down by one major thing. The horrible monolith that is supposed to be a tower, and the glass corridor leading into it.

Glass corridors just look cheap and tacky, and they don't need it. They did the same thing to Bell court and it looks rubbish.

But the tower! It looks about as interesting as a car park. There's no elegance in it at all, it completely fails to fit in with the rest of the building or the town. Why does stratford constantly hire the worst architects they can find?

11-03-2007, 04:09 PM
you must have got the pictures muddled up. That is the training tower on the fire station

13-03-2007, 02:15 PM
Maybe it's part of some crazy 'World class Stratford Scheme' to combine the theatre with the fire brigade. It's ridiculous enough to have come out of Stratford Council.
Seriously though, it is a horrible featureless monolith as Will put it. The rest of the design doesn't look too shabby apart from that.

13-03-2007, 09:48 PM
I saw the new theatre at the weekend. I would have thought that'they'. would have come up with some really elegant design for the tower--or perhaps not--. It does look like a new fire station I agree and it does not match the 'solidness' of the old theatre.
We , here in Bedworth have a tower. The old water tower built about 1900 with an oriental style roof. When I first came here I hated it and thought it so ugly, but as the years have gone by and comparing it with what is being built now -I dont think it is too bad. Its still ugly tho'

15-03-2007, 04:03 PM
Does it have a functional use?

Queen Mab
19-03-2007, 08:29 AM
I love visiting beautiful Stratford Upon Avon, and the main attraction there for me is Shakespeare and the theatre. I don't live in Stratford yet but it is my plan for the future. I love the great variety of shops, picturesque walks by the river and Shakespeare Houses. I also find the Stratford Herald a very good informative local newspaper.
Ok, I know Stratford is a bit touristy, but would Stratford die without the Shakespeare pull ? It is amazing the amount of American and Japanese vistiors there are.

I think Stratford can improve its railway connections though.


19-03-2007, 11:08 AM
Heh, don't get Ron Started on the Stratford Hearald. :)

I'm interested that you say Stratford has a lot of good shops. I always thought it suffered from a distinct lack on interesting shops; nothing you don't get in every other town.

Queen Mab
19-03-2007, 01:46 PM
Heh, don't get Ron Started on the Stratford Hearald. :)

I'm interested that you say Stratford has a lot of good shops. I always thought it suffered from a distinct lack on interesting shops; nothing you don't get in every other town.

Stratford has a few nice quality shops and lots of shoe shops, and a good bookshop Waterstones , pluse two good department stores, BHS & Debenhams. My kind of town.

Leamington only has House of Fraser, and they are expensive I have so far discovered, and one bookshop, Waterstones, not as good as Stratford though, plenty of keep fit places. and nice open spaces, the folks are real friendly. Not quite Picadilly for the selection of shops, but very a very charming place. We just moved here ya see.


19-03-2007, 05:58 PM
Maybe it's just me, but Stratford just seems to be full of chain stores to me, any independent shops last about 4 months on average, I'm guessing due to the very high rent.

Leamington seems to be the opposite, with lots of independent stores, which I find a far more enriching shopping experience.

21-03-2007, 10:30 AM
.... the thought of "Clone Towns" comes to mind as the big chain stores move in.....

19-04-2007, 09:49 AM
According to the Mid-Week news, the RST 'Fire Tower' has come under a large amount of, well, fire. Many protest groups claim it will be an eyesore that dominates the town, I for one agree with them.

The designers have defended it by saying it is an integral part of the new design, and that the theatre will look uncomplete without it. I for one, don't agree with them.

19-04-2007, 11:48 AM
I suppose it could be used as a launcher for 5th of November and New Year's Eve fireworks or maybe old Cap'N Blue might take up residence so he can watch out for the Flying Ampersand floating by and return to sailing the high seas.......

10-09-2013, 08:25 AM
Whilst I was on holiday recently, I met a few people who visit the theatre fairly frequently, and they all commented on how ugly the tower is and how uncomfortable the seats are. Not good for persueding them to come back!