09-01-2007, 02:23 PM
When the First World War broke out Hitler said.
"Overpowered by stormy enthusiasm- I fell down
on my knees and thanked heaven for granting me
the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time".
Cpl.Adolph 'Adi' Hitler. 1889 -1945.
Hitler was rescued from his drifting life,
By rumblings of war and oncoming strife,
Germany not Austria his leanings were bent,
His spirits lifted by this awesome event.
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand,
By a man named Princip from Serbian land,
Austro-Hungary attacked the Serbs.
Then Russia and France called on reserves.
Belgian nuetrality the Germans ignored,
The British lion -awakened then roared,
Hitler signing for Bavarian command,
Overcome with enthusiasm-for his adopted land.
For Hitler the army a base and a home,
Stopping his restless urge to roam,
With the 'List' regiment he first saw war,
At Ypres in Belgium he started his tour.
Decorated early- in this vicious war,
The Iron Cross 2nd class he very soon wore.
Competent, courageous, alert and keen,
A credit to any fighting machine.
Between actions quietly reserved,
Drawing and philosophy studiously observed,
No presents or cards at Christmas time,
His pet dog 'Foxl' suited him fine.
Surviving Ypres and making his name,
The battle at Somme his next little game,
A wound in the leg caused him to fall,
Convalescing, his nature, not suited at all.
Back in action for the last great push,
Heading for Paris in a desperate rush,
Nearly, the name of this little game,
A desperate attempt before Americans came.
A First Class Iron Cross Hitlers reward,
A Jewish officer gave the award,
At the second Ypres in a gas attack,
Partly blinded -but he would be back.
Jb a coy 3 para
The Iron Cross First Class normally only given to
Commissioned officers.
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When the First World War broke out Hitler said.
"Overpowered by stormy enthusiasm- I fell down
on my knees and thanked heaven for granting me
the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time".
Cpl.Adolph 'Adi' Hitler. 1889 -1945.
Hitler was rescued from his drifting life,
By rumblings of war and oncoming strife,
Germany not Austria his leanings were bent,
His spirits lifted by this awesome event.
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand,
By a man named Princip from Serbian land,
Austro-Hungary attacked the Serbs.
Then Russia and France called on reserves.
Belgian nuetrality the Germans ignored,
The British lion -awakened then roared,
Hitler signing for Bavarian command,
Overcome with enthusiasm-for his adopted land.
For Hitler the army a base and a home,
Stopping his restless urge to roam,
With the 'List' regiment he first saw war,
At Ypres in Belgium he started his tour.
Decorated early- in this vicious war,
The Iron Cross 2nd class he very soon wore.
Competent, courageous, alert and keen,
A credit to any fighting machine.
Between actions quietly reserved,
Drawing and philosophy studiously observed,
No presents or cards at Christmas time,
His pet dog 'Foxl' suited him fine.
Surviving Ypres and making his name,
The battle at Somme his next little game,
A wound in the leg caused him to fall,
Convalescing, his nature, not suited at all.
Back in action for the last great push,
Heading for Paris in a desperate rush,
Nearly, the name of this little game,
A desperate attempt before Americans came.
A First Class Iron Cross Hitlers reward,
A Jewish officer gave the award,
At the second Ypres in a gas attack,
Partly blinded -but he would be back.
Jb a coy 3 para
The Iron Cross First Class normally only given to
Commissioned officers.
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