View Full Version : Modesty

05-01-2007, 11:38 PM
Would it better if men were more scared,
And women stopped praising he-men who dared,
Would it be better if tenderness reigned?
Those blood and guts 'nerviest' held and restrained.

Would it be better if modesty prevailed?
And we kissed and caressed all those who failed,
Ticker tape welcomes for those who are quiet,
Who mind their own business refusing to fight.

Me thinks twould be better to stop making guns,
By spending the money on laughter and puns,
I hope in the future we’ll think again,
And governments think deeply bout women and men.

The Animal kingdoms no problem at all,
Its humans that’s spreading and taking it all,
Should we consider our productive rate,
Lesson our urge to procreate.

China had fun with this little game,
Should we take stock and do the same,
Nature tells us to watch our stock,
Or we could be in for a blooming big shock.

I woke up this morning and this came to mind,
Silly old me just trying to be kind,
My lucid mind gave its best shot,
Im sorry folks but that’s all ive got.

The other Side of the Coin, 1956 Anglo-French " Suez War" - A Bravenet.com Forum (http://pub49.bravenet.com/forum/4204046111/)


06-01-2007, 08:25 PM
It IS superstition?.

What is it then that makes us pray,
That makes us creep and crawl all day,
That makes us read some silly script,
Our pride and confidence slyly stripped.

What is then that transfers our minds,
To heavens and angels and spiritual kinds,
To attend Cathedrals in little groups,
To dress in robes as exemplar troops.

What is it then that makes us build,
On fertile land where food was tilled,
Huge Cathedrals and Churches to,
Just to sing and confess anew.

Does it help in anyway,
To wile away the hours of day,
Dressed in black and on your knees,
Praying to something and making pleas.

Is it selfishness that makes them think,
We all need them to cower and shrink,
On our behalf at their request,
So that our souls be sublimely blessed.

The whiff of selfishness stirs the air,
Me thinks it's just themselves they care,
The work is easy and less to think
From competition they wilt and shrink

This God they advocate with fuss,
When ask for proof they looked nonplussed,
O proof, O proof, what for you need,
The devils home you'll go with speed.

My lucid mind begins to stir,
I'm in the hands of a blackmailer,
I only ask for what your sales?
Then they came back as hard as nails.

So business then shall prevail,
In Woolworths by an honest sale,
The Church an inquisition me thinks
Proof of content surely stinks.

John Bishop 3 Parachute group. 2003