12-12-2006, 12:26 AM
To help you out with a few strange words:
Land of Oz - Australia
Kiwi - Native bird unique to NZ - ordinarily unable to fly
Hangi - Traditionally cooked in the ground on heated river stones (Maori)
All Blacks - NZ rugby team
The jolly old man, all dressed in red; from the North Pole he will fly
His reindeer now in perfect form to traverse across the sky.
The lands from down and very under; 'neath starry skies they wait
The much awaited yearly visit, from their dear old northern mate.
When he reaches the Land of Oz there's a very beaky scout
He's there to lead the reindeer; he carries a lot of clout.
Good heavens, did you see that? It's a Kiwi up ahead!
Flying in front of the reindeer; pulling the sleigh with the man in red!
A "Ho! Ho!" sounds across the skies from the jolly old man of fun
The Kiwi flies to the Southern Cross; to the land of the rising sun.
Summer time is the season; of the southern hemisphere
And Santa sure begins to feel, the heat as he's drawing near.
A mighty cheer meets his covered ears; it's mums and dads below
They have had their full of Christmas "cheer" and the booze is running low.
The hangi; it went down a treat; the All Blacks did the haka
They wave to our scout Kiwi; who provided the magic marker.
Santa lands the sleigh upon a roof; a roof of corrugated tin
Unlike a roof in a northern house; it makes an almighty din.
He delivers the children's presents; made by the elves at the Pole
Then partakes of the "cheer" from a bottle of beer; he's a merry, merry, merry old soul!
By the time he calls at the very last house his "cheer"; it runneth over
With his cheeks bright pink and his nose aglow; he's northbound now, moreover.
Having left his scout called Kiwi in the land of the rising sun
He completes his yearly mission; in the northern hemisphere run.
Next time you see old Santa, think of the miles he flies
From the North Pole to the South Pole; and home before the sun does rise.
He doesn't have a union; to bargain his long night hours
Nor pesky local councils; ticketing the sleigh; those excessive powers.
All is done in the name of love; to impart some Christmas joy
Nothing to do with politics or some conspiracy ploy.
Santa wants you to enjoy your Christmas; the Kiwi scout does too
A Merry Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!
Land of Oz - Australia
Kiwi - Native bird unique to NZ - ordinarily unable to fly
Hangi - Traditionally cooked in the ground on heated river stones (Maori)
All Blacks - NZ rugby team
The jolly old man, all dressed in red; from the North Pole he will fly
His reindeer now in perfect form to traverse across the sky.
The lands from down and very under; 'neath starry skies they wait
The much awaited yearly visit, from their dear old northern mate.
When he reaches the Land of Oz there's a very beaky scout
He's there to lead the reindeer; he carries a lot of clout.
Good heavens, did you see that? It's a Kiwi up ahead!
Flying in front of the reindeer; pulling the sleigh with the man in red!
A "Ho! Ho!" sounds across the skies from the jolly old man of fun
The Kiwi flies to the Southern Cross; to the land of the rising sun.
Summer time is the season; of the southern hemisphere
And Santa sure begins to feel, the heat as he's drawing near.
A mighty cheer meets his covered ears; it's mums and dads below
They have had their full of Christmas "cheer" and the booze is running low.
The hangi; it went down a treat; the All Blacks did the haka
They wave to our scout Kiwi; who provided the magic marker.
Santa lands the sleigh upon a roof; a roof of corrugated tin
Unlike a roof in a northern house; it makes an almighty din.
He delivers the children's presents; made by the elves at the Pole
Then partakes of the "cheer" from a bottle of beer; he's a merry, merry, merry old soul!
By the time he calls at the very last house his "cheer"; it runneth over
With his cheeks bright pink and his nose aglow; he's northbound now, moreover.
Having left his scout called Kiwi in the land of the rising sun
He completes his yearly mission; in the northern hemisphere run.
Next time you see old Santa, think of the miles he flies
From the North Pole to the South Pole; and home before the sun does rise.
He doesn't have a union; to bargain his long night hours
Nor pesky local councils; ticketing the sleigh; those excessive powers.
All is done in the name of love; to impart some Christmas joy
Nothing to do with politics or some conspiracy ploy.
Santa wants you to enjoy your Christmas; the Kiwi scout does too
A Merry Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!