View Full Version : Christmas Time is Near

07-12-2006, 10:36 PM
The stores are very busy
Christmas time is near
The sales will make you dizzy
And things are not so dear

Pretty lights entrance you
Christmas time is near
Tinsel, baubles, reindeer too
Wine, champagne and beer.

Displays are really bulging
Christmas time is near
Watch what you are indulging
It happens every year.

Tills are merrily ringing
Christmas time is near
Can you hear some carol singing?
Go out and have some cheer.

Don't forget your Christmas turkey
Christmas time is near
You should now be feeling perky
Mother-in-law is here.

Try to fit your beer in the fridge
Christmas time is near
But the food is stacked like a harbour bridge
There is no room for beer.

Christmas stockings in a red and white line
Christmas time is near
The shopping list you now define
And all becomes quite clear.

Dad will dress as Santa
Christmas time is near
Exchange some friendly banter
The sleigh bells now are near.

Tonight it is; have you counted down?
Christmas time is here
Santa's due to come to town
Make sure you leave his beer.

When you wake on Christmas 'morn
And Christmas time is here
A day of excess now is born
Enjoy; next week brings in New Year!!


11-12-2007, 07:34 PM
Well, it's that time again... I found a Christmas rhyme I wrote last year though not totally sure that you haven't seen it, but never mind. The one above was one of last year's efforts and the third one is this year.

11-12-2007, 07:36 PM
The jolly old man, all dressed in red; from the North Pole he will fly
His reindeer now in perfect form to traverse across the sky.
The lands from down and very under; 'neath starry skies they wait
The much awaited yearly visit, from their dear old northern mate.
When he reaches the Land of Oz there's a very beaky scout
He's there to lead the reindeer; he carries a lot of clout.
Good heavens, did you see that? It's a Kiwi up ahead!
Flying in front of the reindeer; leading the sleigh with the man in red!
A "Ho! Ho!" sounds across the skies from the jolly old man of fun
The Kiwi flies to the Southern Cross; to the land of the rising sun.
Summer time is the season; of the southern hemisphere
And Santa sure begins to feel, the heat as he's drawing near.
A mighty cheer meets his covered ears; it's mums and dads below
They have had their full of Christmas "cheer" and the booze is running low.
The hangi; it went down a treat; the All Blacks did the haka
They wave to our scout Kiwi; who provided the magic marker.
Santa lands the sleigh upon a roof; a roof of corrugated tin
Unlike a roof in a northern house; it makes an almighty din.
He delivers the children's presents; made by the elves at the Pole
Then partakes of the "cheer" from a bottle of beer; he's a merry, merry, merry old soul!
By the time he calls at the very last house his "cheer"; it runneth over
With his cheeks bright pink and his nose aglow; he's northbound now, moreover.
Having left his scout called Kiwi in the land of the rising sun
He completes his yearly mission; in the northern hemisphere run.
Next time you see old Santa, think of the miles he flies
From the North Pole to the South Pole; and home before the sun does rise.
He doesn't have a union; to bargain his long night hours
Nor pesky local councils; ticketing the sleigh; those excessive powers.
All is done in the name of love; to impart some Christmas joy
Nothing to do with politics or some conspiracy ploy.
Santa wants you to enjoy your Christmas; the Kiwi scout does too
A Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!


11-12-2007, 07:44 PM
You really have to wonder, at this man called Santa Claus
He squeezes down the chimneys, but every house has doors!
Arriving in your living room, not a speck of soot has he
From within his Tardis sack, he takes presents out for thee.

Drinking his tot of Christmas cheer he climbs back up the chimney
Then falls upon the radar dish; "Ouch my arthritic knee!".
Dusting off his pride, he climbs into his waiting sleigh
Calling "Donner, Comet and Blitzen!! Up, up, up and away!

Flying across the starry skies to lands both far and near
His sack now blissfully lighter; his job now done this year.
He returns back to the North Pole; to the elves and Christmas dinner
Hoping the gifts he left out there, have turned out to be a winner.

Reflecting upon his evening's work he rubs the knee that hurts
Mulling upon his whiskey; the radar dish; it really needs alerts.
He yawns and rubs his eyes; the sleigh needs new landing gear..
Then leans back in his armchair...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


12-12-2007, 04:22 PM
While we try to decorate,
shoppers barge and castigate'
parents seek to extricate
their children from the toy shops

The weather seeks to refrigerate'
scrooges attempt to hibernate,
shyly does she hesitate
when mistletoe comes looming

To shopping sprees they gravitate,
their consumption consumate,
little time to meditate
the reason for party.

it won't matter if you're late,
you could smile and say 'thanks, mate'
Christmas shouldn't have to grate
in the season of goodwill